Instinctively, Sydney's hand slid off Gabriel's after hearing his demand. She had a little faith he was an honest man.

Why would he offer to fly her to Arizona if he wouldn't benefit from it? No wonder he wanted her to go into the house first. It had been his plan all along.

"Have you lost your mind!" Caleb barked.

Over the past few weeks, he had lost a lot of money and incurred loads of debts. He barely had 50 million left, and this man wanted to rip him off.

Gabriel seemed nonchalant. "Send me fifteen million, and I'll delete the video and leave you to do as you please with these women."

Sydney couldn't hold it in anymore. She grabbed Gabriel's arm and forced him to look at her.

"You are a disgusting man! How can you let someone die because of money? If you'd told me from the start money was your goddamn problem, I would have given it to you."

Caleb jumped in. "Don't you dare emotionally blackmail him?"