CALEB SLAPPED A STACK of cash on the woman dancing half-naked in front of him.
She smirked, shoved the money into her bra and ran her fingers down his chest seductively then brought her lips close to his. When he reached to kiss her, she moved away.
" I'm not cheap, old man; if you can't give me enough money, keep you gnawed d**k in your pants." She said savagely, and then cart walked out of the room.
Caleb groaned in frustration at her insult.
A whole Caleb Morgan was being mocked. Oh, no, no, this was only ephemeral. He'd have enough cash to f**k that whore for years when he was done with Gavin.
He was happy a big torn was taken from his flesh. If he'd gone to Ashley's funeral, he didn't think he would be able to stop himself from destroying her grave. Well at least, he gave her a goodbye kiss before she died.
Now that she was gone, his next move was to rip Gavin off all his wealth before he could proceed to destroy his daughter and her lover's life.