Yuni's Voyage

We worked tirelessly for days. When we got to sleep it was fleeting, all too soon we would be up on our feet once more. We fed those who could not hold their own bowls, we gave out tonics until we had almost nothing left. More material had to be found for bandages. 

The community rose to the challenge. They came in shifts helping wherever possible. When the strain became too much for us we could always count on someone to lend a hand.

Even Yuni came if only to see Tykin. She had a look that sang of sleepless nights and endless worry. She looked upon us as we worked on her daughter, her face made of stone. I could not tell if she was pleased with our efforts or if she was casting scathing judgment upon us.

It was only as Tykin began to improve that I saw the tiny smile return to Yuni's face, fleeting as it was.