A Conversation about the Past

"How will we carry all this gold?" Hyde asked more to himself than to me.

"We don't need to; we'll just take enough and turn this place into our gold stash. We will return here when we need more." I replied.

"I understand your point. Still, how will I carry the gold? I won't get past the city gate if I show up at Seafront with it in my hands."

"A gym bag should suffice."

"What is a gym?"

"It's a place where people pay to exercise but rarely go."

"Why would anyone pay to exercise? Can't they just run a little every day?"

"I don't know. People are strange."

"We can agree on that."

I returned to Hyde's body and together we walked through the ruined city. If I remember correctly, there should be a supplements and gym products store somewhere around here.

"It's still strange to see this city up close. I've always heard stories warning me not to come here, too many shadows for the SHADES to hide in and ambush you."

"It wasn't always like this; there was a time when SHADES didn't exist, only humans."

"Really? That must have been great!"

"Not exactly. Humans weren't a united people, just like they aren't today. Still, it wasn't so bad, until the disease came along."

"This disease, what happened exactly?"

"I can't remember... Something fell from the sky, and a while later, a disease appeared... and then... monsters..."

"Your memory isn't the best, is it?"

"No, it's been a long time without a body."

"So, do SHAD... Do Gestalts need bodies? I've heard stories of them being monsters that wanted to steal our bodies, but it seems there's a bit of truth behind it."

"We need bodies to keep ourselves stable and sane, too long without them and we go crazy. You should see the Seafront sewers."

"I think I noticed the difference, the SHAD... Gestalts that attacked us looked like smoke clouds, while you look like a living shadow."

"This is the most notable difference between a stable and an unstable Gestalt."

We passed abandoned stores with broken windows, collapsed doors, and condemned structures, rusty cars, cracked asphalt and sidewalks covered with vegetation and rusted streetlights.

We saw the occasional animal such as a rabbit, wild boar, and some birds landing in their nests.

Eventually, we found the store and a bag that wasn't falling apart. On the way back, Hyde stopped in front of a buff man generic poster and flexed his muscles, disappointed with the result.

"Some problem?"

"No, but do you think I can look like this someday?" He pointed at the poster.

"This type of poster is based on the ideal physical standards of the time, it takes a lot of work and determination to reach that point and even more to maintain it. There was a whole problem with people dissatisfied with their bodies and doing everything to meet the standard that society has determined as acceptable, even if it harms themselves. I'm not saying people with the poster's physique are bad people or that no one should try to get to that point. If you want to be healthier then I don't see a problem with that, just don't overdo it."

"Wow! It was just a question; you didn't have to lecture me!"

"But isn't that what you wanted?"

"No! I just wanted to know if I could ever look like this!"

"And why is that? If you don't seek better health, then why? To impress a girl?"

Hyde went silent.

"Oh! So there is a girl!"

"N-no!" He quickly left the store and headed back to the bank.

"Ohohoho! It sure is a girl! What's her name? What does she look like?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"I'm stuck with you Hyde; someday you'll find that girl and I'll be there to see it."

"Shut up!"

We returned to the bank and Hyde filled his bag with the gold.

"Hey, approach the wall with the little drawers before we go."

"You mean these?" He approached the wall to our left.


I controlled is left arm and sank his fingers into the small metal drawer, pulling it out of the closet with a creek, revealing a golden pocket watch. Opening another drawer, we found a diamond ring, and a pearl necklace in another.

"What's all this for?" Hyde asked surprised.

"In case something goes wrong we will have a plan B. Always be prepared Hyde, should something happen to the gold we will still have something of value to trade."

Without saying another word, he stuffed the items into his pockets and left the bank.

"I'm surprised all this stuff is lying around here! Who is the idiot that leaves gold and jewels in a place like this?"

"When everyone is dying and society is collapsing, gold and jewels are worthless. What will you do with gold? You can't eat gold, you can't drink gold, and you can't use gold to cure a disease. Come to think of it, gold is kind of a useless metal, even before the world almost ended."

Hyde sighed as if I'd insulted his mother.

"What? It's true! Gold is a terrible metal for making weapons and armor, we only use it as currency because it is malleable and won't rust, and as conductors."

"What is a conductor?"

"To explain that, I would have to explain electricity to you."

"And what is electricity?"

"Something Replicants haven't discovered yet. Damn medieval society in a modern world."


We returned to Seafront and the closer we got to the city, the wider Hyde's smile got.

"Calm down Hyde, the gold won't disappear."

"Sorry, I'm just excited thinking about what I will do with all this gold."

"Most people who get rich suddenly lose all their money in a year due to reckless spending. Buy one thing or two you've always wanted, but then spend your money responsibly."

"Hm… I think you're right."

We passed through the city gate and the guards looked strangely at Hyde due to his big smile.

He walked with quick steps, almost skipping down the street as people moved away scared or surprised by his actions, and entered a different area of Seafront's poor district.

The streets got darker, covered in garbage and dirt as people of questionable profile watched us near the alleys. Eventually, we reached a dingy, dilapidated wooden building where Hyde knocked on the door.




A small metal plate on the door slid aside, revealing a pair of eyes.

"What do you want?" A male voice asked.

"It's me, Hyde."

"What is the password?"

"The password is my fist in your mouth if you don't stop this bullshit! I'm a regular here!"

"Always in a hurry." The voice growled, followed the sound of several locks opening with the door.

I scanned the establishment's interior, disappointed with the places Hyde frequented. He descended a set of old, wooden stairs, creaking as if they would give up under his weight with each step, until he entered a bar.

The place had a dusty gray stone floor with wooden beams supporting the building above, the construction outside must be a decoy to hide this place.

Circular wooden tables were on one side of the bar, with people sitting on barrels and crates, discussing, talking, drinking, and gambling.

These people dressed similarly to the poor district's inhabitants, only worse. Dirty and torn pants and shirts, bodies covered in dirt, and scars and signs of illness.

Honestly, the Gestalts are not so different from humans, no matter where you go, there will always be those going through the hardest.

A few women passed through Hyde, carrying trays of cheap food and drink. Some flirted with the men at the tables, while others disappeared into a dimly lit corridor in a corner where faint moaning echoed. They also flirted with Hyde, but he ignored it.

A long wooden counter with stools in front and a shelf full of bottles behind stood on the other side of the bar, while a man with a scarred face cleaned glasses. People drank there, some passed out or muttering gibberish.

Hyde approached a dark corner of the bar where a table stood with a man hidden by shadows sitting at it, and sat down too.

"Hyde, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Exchanging the gold for cash, this guy is the right person. Don't worry; I did business with him."

The man sipped his beer and wiped his mouth with his sleeve before speaking in a serious but not aggressive tone.

"Well, Hyde, it's a miracle to see you alive, they told me that you were lynched to death in your last endeavor."

"What can I say? I'm hard to kill." Hyde replied haughtily, leaning back in his chair.

"Hump! The SHADES ate alive the last one who said that, but cut the chase, what do you want?"

"I want to exchange something for money, the old man at the antique shop tried to pay me less than a certain thing worth. I want to know if you will give me the real value."

"That depends, what do you have for me?"

Looking around, Hyde removed the bag off his shoulder and placed it on his lap, unzipping it a little, and handing the man a gold bar.

His eyes widened as he stopped mid-gulp, spilling his beer on the floor before immediately grabbing the bar and hiding it in his trench coat.

"Where did you get that?!" He asked anxiously.

"TISK! TISK! TISK! That's my little secret, but I have more from where that came from. How much can you get me?"

"A gold bar that size should be worth two hundred gold coins."

"And can you get me that amount now?"

The man eyes met the bartender's, both exchanged a code that only they understood with a quick gesture of their hands and nodded simultaneously.

"Wait here, Hyde." The man disappeared into a corridor.

"Are you sure we should trust this man, Hyde?"

"With the amount of money we have, yes? He loves gold, just like I do; and becomes the most loyal person in the world when it is involved."

The man returned carrying a large bag clattering with of coins and handed it to Hyde. The bar light illuminated the his arm shortly and I saw the black marks on his skin, another who will die soon.

"Here you go, now get the hell out of here before someone finds out!"

"No need to say it twice."

With the coins secure, Hyde left the bar, heading up the old wooden stairs as the door closed behind us. Seeing no one; he breathed deeply and screamed.


"I see you are happy with the result."

"Are you kidding?! I'm more than happy... I'm... I'm... I don't know! That's more money than I've made in my entire life!"

"Shouldn't you thank someone? I don't know, the person who told you about the gold?"

"You are right! Thank you very much, Jekyll!"

"You're welcome Hyde. Now let's return to your house, we have a lot to discuss."

"Not yet! Now I will celebrate!"

"Wait! What?"

-Hyde's house-

Argh! My head! What happened yesterday? I tried to open my eyes, but immediately covered my head with my blanket as the sunlight streaming through the window hit my face.


Wait! Someone is singing? I stood up quickly upon hearing someone inside my house, which was a mistake, as the world blurred and spun.

Taking a few staggering steps forward, my foot bumped into a bottle. Booze, what is it doing here? What I did yesterday?

I slowly walked towards my bedroom door and opened it. My eyes widened with what I saw, a SHADE singing, wearing a white apron and frying an egg on my stove. The SHADE turned to me and waved.

"Good morning Hyde! How was you sleep?"

It spoke!

"AAAHHH!" I grabbed a kitchen chair and hurled it at the SHADE.

"Not again! Hyde! It's me, Jekyll! The one who saved your life and showed you the gold's location!" It sighed, dodging aside.

Jekyll, who the hell is Jekyll? Wait a minute! Ooohhhh... I remember now.

"Sorry, Jekyll!" I rubbed my head in embarrassment.

"Honestly, is this how you thank me? I went through the trouble of bringing you home after you passed out from drinking, and I even made you breakfast!" Jekyll placed the fried egg on a plate and the plate on the table in front of me while I sat down at it.

"Sorry, but what do you mean by passed out?"

"You don't remember? You celebrated yesterday after acquiring the money. Nothing wrong with that, after all, you went through difficulties and finally got a great monetary value. You gorged yourself at the most expensive restaurant in town, bought a mountain of new clothes, and partied in a tavern until you couldn't handle it anymore. To the point where I overtook your body and brought you back home before someone robed you, not that I would allow it, of course."

I cringed in embarrassment after hearing that, I might have overreacted yesterday.


"Don't worry, no harm done, but young people like you should better care of your health. Passing out drunk in a tavern is not good for you."

"Wow! You speak as if you were my grandfather."

"Considering how long I've lived, I might as well be. But I think we've wasted enough time, I will tell you why I want your help."

"I promised I would listen, didn't I? Tell me what you want."

"Okay, my memory isn't the best, but for starters. One day, something fell from the sky... no... No... That's wrong... Something didn't fell from the sky... The sky opened and two things came from there... A dra... And a gian... I can't remember. Red and white... And the tolling of bells... The bloody tolling of bells..." Jekyll rambled.

The SHADE... Gestalt held the sides of his head as he rested his elbows on the table, mumbling meaningless half-words.

"Jekyll, focus!"

"Right! Right! Thanks!" He replied, snapping out of his reverie.

"As you said, the sky opened and something came from there. What happened next?"

"People got sick after the things died. It felt like the flu, coughing, sneezing, but it spread quick. We thought it was a new disease, but then… Red eyes… Snow white skin... Pillars of salt... Anger... Madness... Fear... Legion..."


"The disease turned people into monsters! They were imprisoned in a city's... Tok... However, a giant monster knocked down the walls and they escaped! The government dropped a bomb at them... Nucle... Nucle... A powerful bomb! It seemed to end, but the disease spread even further and the monsters increased in number!"

"Did this happen a long time ago? People turning into monsters, is that why there are so many destroyed cities out there?"

"Yes! Correct! Result of the war of the armies of the world against the monsters! Nevertheless, the disease spread! The monsters were strong and numerous, they felt no fear, hunger, or pain, and infected the soldiers on the front line! So a group of Sc... Scient... very smart people were recruited by an organization... Hame... Hame... Pied Piper... Rats... Children... Luciferase... Weapons... Crusades..."

It looked like Jekyll would pass out, shaking like water trying to take a human form as his body smoked.

"I was one of those very smart people…we did really bad things to other people… Experiments… Adults got stronger… But the results were better in children… They were trained… Sent to crusades... And the leader of the monsters died in Jeru... The holy city... However, the disease still spread, so we created a project... Project Ges... Separation of body and soul in two beings..."

"Hang on, stop for a minute! I don't understand!"

Jekyll breathed deeply, adjusting his posture in the chair and clasping his hands together on top of the table.

"The monsters were defeated, but the disease spread, killing more people, so we created a project to separate humans into two beings, a soul without a body and a body without a soul. It was a success, but with all humans going through the separation, someone needed to oversee the project, so the andro... the andro... People who don't age were created..."

"People who don't age?"

"Hyde, be honest with me, have you ever see a person who didn't seem to change, no matter how much time passed, no matter how many years, not one wrinkle or gray hair appeared on that person?"

I stopped to think for a minute, and now that Jekyll has said it, yes I did, the owner of the biggest and best pub in town. If I remember rightly, he always looked the same since my parents' time, always the same young face.


"These are the people who don't age, created by the very smart people of the past, but there are the special ones... the... the... the supervisors! The supervisors supposed to ensure that the project went as planned, but something went wrong. The project should have ended ages ago, but we are still here, and this has led to unplanned results."

"What do you mean?"

"The things that plagues your people, the dark marks that cover the body and the raging SHADES attacking."

No, that's not possible! All this because of something that didn't happen?

"You mean that..."

Jekyll stretched his arms, crossing the length of the table and placing his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eye.

"That's right Hyde, the disease known as the Black Scrawl that spreads every day and the violent Gestalts that roam the world are the result of this project not succeeding. Something's happened Hyde, the supervisors aren't doing their jobs, that's why I need your help. I'm one of the very smart people of the past, I know that something happened to the project, and I know there's a chance to fix it or lessen the damage. That's why I came to Seafront, but I need to enter the facility."


"There are secret locations scattered around the region, built to protect something very important, I need that something so that at least the project does not fail. There is the entrance to one of these places in Seafront."


"At the lighthouse."

"At the lighthouse?"

"Yes, the supervisors ordered the building of the lighthouse above the entrance to the facility, but a lighthouse in a place where ships don't sail would arouse suspicion, so they nudged you Replicants to build Seafront beside it."

"Who are these supervisors and why did you call me Replicant?"

"I don't know! Nevertheless, calling you a Replicant feels right. But going straight to the point, will you help me? I will be honest, the risk of death is high, and the facilities will not be unprotected."

Death? He hadn't told me about it before. What should I do? If what he says is true, then there is a way to stop the disease and the SHADES.

I don't want to be a hero, I just want to get away from here and live a comfortable life. I can do what I've always wanted now that I have money. On the other hand, Jekyll is stuck with me and can control my body, and I die if we separate.

If I don't agree, what guarantees he won't walk away and leave me for dead? He's only been honest with me so far, and in the end, I made a deal with him, didn't I? I breathed deeply with what I would say.

"Yes, I will help you."

"Perfect! Thank you very much, Hyde!" Jekyll shot towards me, hugging me and disappearing into my body.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's head towards the lighthouse!" Jekyll yelled in my mind, controlling my arm and pointing at a random direction.

"You said this facility would be protected, didn't you? What can I expect that will harm my health?"

"Not much, some robots, machine-gun turrets, and extremely advanced artificial intelligence!"

"I didn't understand anything you just said!"

"Don't worry, the AI has been programmed to recognize Replicants and Gestalts should any of them accidentally enter the facility, I'm sure we'll be fine!"

"For some reason that doesn't comfort me!"

I wrapped Beastbain in a cloth, slung it over my back with a piece of rope, and tied my coin bag around my waist, then I left my house.

"Jekyll, one question, where did you keep the gold?"

"Under the floorboards in your bedroom, specifically under your bed."

"How did you do it?"

"Simple, I absorbed the gold into my body, slipped through the gaps in the boards, and stored it in the space down there. You should prioritize changing residence, I don't know how long the foundation of your house will endure. Now answer me, where did you learn to fight?"

"My parents taught me how to, barehanded and using a blade. We where always poor, so they showed me how to handle myself in a fight, be it against SHADES or other people. I also did some SHADE slaying missions, although I didn't get paid much, it's a job where you are low-paid and still have a chance to die."

"Seriously? Do people get paid to kill the ones like me?" Jekyll said sadly tone.

Damn it! I should have been more careful with what I said.


"Hm… I wonder how much I am worth killing."

"Considering you can use weapons, think, and talk, I would say it would be very high."

"HA! I would be the video game equivalent of a secret boss!"

"What is a video game?"

"I have no idea."

With Jekyll's final answer, we headed towards the lighthouse.


"Why did we stop?"

"Because the old hag is at the lighthouse."

"Old hag, what old hag?"

"That one." I pointed at the old woman sweeping the lighthouse entrance stairs.

"What's wrong? Can't we just ask to enter the lighthouse?"

"Believe me when I say it, she is a monster. She'll crack my head with that broom!"

"And why is that?"

"Well, she is the lighthouse keeper, and let's say I painted it creatively without her knowing when I was a kid. She spent days removing my artwork until she discovered it was me and told my parents. I met my mother's slipper up close that day."

"You are Seafront's troublemaker, aren't you?"


"I can scare her away since I can survive in sunlight for a while."

"Are you crazy?! You will kill her!"

"Then how do we enter the lighthouse?"

"Let me think."

We hid behind a house overlooking the lighthouse on top of a rocky rise, and the old hag stood at its entrance, sweeping its stairs.

Perhaps I could ask someone to distract her, but who?

I had my answer when I saw a pale-skinned white-haired fifteen years old boy, who wore dark blue boots and gloves, a white shirt and shorts, and carried a sword on his back.

He looked lost and entered a street, sitting down on a house front door's stairs with his head resting on his hands.

Wait a minute! I know that house, bigger and more decorated than any other house in town! Holy shit!

I ran towards the boy; simultaneously the door handle of the house moved. Fortunately, arrived in time and grabbed him by the arm.

"Come with me!"

"What?" He asked, confused.

However, I didn't let him finish, I pulled him from the street and around the corner, leaning against the wall. I saw the owner of the house sticking his head out and looking around before entering.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The boy escaped my grip.

"Boy, do you know who owns that house?"


"You're not from Seafront, are you?"


"Well, let me tell you something, the man who lives in that house has a certain preference for someone under the acceptable age for a relationship. You understand what I want to say?"

The boy paled at the information I gave.

"And why hasn't anyone done anything yet?"

I rubbed my index finger and thumb together and the boy got the message.

"Thanks for getting me out of there!"

"You're welcome, boy. By the way, my name is Hyde, and you?"

"I am Nier, it is nice to meet you, Mister Hyde." He bowed slightly.

"Wow! Stop this Mister talk, I'm only twenty, I'm not that old."

"I'm sorry Hyde."

"That aside, what are you doing at Seafront? You look lost."

"I'm searching for a job, my village is very poor and people can't pay me for work, so I came here in search of opportunity." Nier said sadly.

And an opportunity you got.

"Well Nier, today is your lucky day as I have a job for you. If you are willing to accept it, of course."

"Yes, please, I'll do anything!"

"Calm down! Do you see that old woman over there?" I pointed towards the lighthouse.


"I want you to distract her while I enter the lighthouse."

"And why would you want to do that?"

I took Nier's arm without answering and held his palm out, placing a handful of gold coins on it. His eyes widened and his mouth nearly dropped to the ground as he trembled.

"See all that money? It's yours if you don't ask any questions and do as I said."

Doubt passed through his face and I admit that the situation is suspicious; a stranger offers you money to distract a person while he sneaks in without anyone noticing.

"Fine, I will do it."

However, in the end, money spoke louder.

"I just need to distract her, right?"

"That's right, nothing more, nothing less." I gave him a thumbs up.

Nodding, Nier walked towards the lighthouse.

"Wow, you are cruel! Manipulating an innocent boy like that!" Jekyll talked.

"But now we can enter the lighthouse, can't we? The boy has the money and the old hag will have someone to talk. Everyone will be happy!"

"I cannot deny your logic."

I don't know what they talked about, but it was enough to move the hag away from the lighthouse with her back against me. I tiptoed towards it and smiled at Nier on the way.

"Quick, to the basement!" Jekyll screamed.

Looking around, I saw a downward stairway leading to a wooden door. Opening it, I entered a room full of junk and old stuff.

"Okay, what now?"

"Now approach the north wall."

I walked towards the wall on the other side of the room and stopped in front of it.

"And now?"

"Now press the wall in the area slightly to your left."

I did as he asked and a small area of the wall caved in and slid aside, revealing a strange metal panel.


"Now I leave the rest to me."

Jekyll slid from my body and placed his hand on his chest, sinking into his body before withdrawing a thin rectangular object. He slid it into an opening in the panel, several lights flashed and emotionless voice spoke from nowhere.

"Access Granted!"

I drew Beastbain and looked around.

"What was that?"

"The facility's automatic response to access by authorized personnel."

"I have no idea what you just said."

"And you don't need it yet, just watch."

I recoiled startled by what I saw, the wall opened, revealing a large human-sized white metallic box.

"What is that?"

"An elevator, now enter it."

I entered the elevator, the doors closed behind me, and I felt that we moved down.

"Where are we going?" I asked scared, sweat running down my face as my heart raced.

"To the Seafront facility."

"That doesn't answer much."

Eventually, the elevator stopped and we found ourselves in a gigantic white corridor with a large rectangular metallic object attached to a large metallic bar that extended on the floor.

"What is that?"

"A train."

Jekyll slid the thin object into an opening on the side of the train and the doors opened. We entered and he approached a large metal panel, placing the object into an opening, turning several lights on and pushing a red lever forward. Then the train moved forward.

"And now, what shall we do?"

"Better sit back and wait, this could take a while."

I saw a metal seat attached to the sidewall of the train; I sat there and watched the outside through a glass window.

"Was this all hidden in Seafront?"

"Yes and there are other hidden facilities out there. I hope my memory isn't misleading us, otherwise, we will have a problem finding them."

"Did smart people like you build this place?"

"You can bet, but the AI is what keep it running."

"What is an AI?"

"AI stands for artificial intelligence, a machine made to think like a person."

"Is it possible?"

"Yes and more, you would be surprised how advanced our technology is."

Suddenly the large metal corridor gave way to a large glass one, and what I saw left me speechless, we were underwater! I saw fish and plants that I had never seen before.

"Surprised?" Jekyll asked, but I couldn't answer.

"I will take that as a yes."

I spotted the place where the train went, a large glass and metal dome built on the rocky sea bottom.

"That's where we're going; the thing I'm looking for is there."

"And what are you looking for?"

"I don't remember, but I know there's something so powerful inside that it had to be placed at the bottom of the sea to prevent harm to the world."

"So this place is a prison?"

"Honestly, every facility we will break into could be considered a prison."

Isn't the point of a prison to prevent something dangerous from escaping?

The lights of the train turning off interrupted my thoughts as rectangular object came from the roof and emitted a light on one of the walls, forming an image of a white-haired adult male wearing a golden crown, and white and red robes while sitting on a throne and holding a golden trident.

Then another voice came out of nowhere and spoke.

"I am Neptune and I am here to ask you a question. Isn't an AI entitled to the fruits of years of incessant processing?"

"Something is wrong." Jekyll spoke.

"No!" says the scientist "An AI must calculate all possibilities to obtain the best result!"

"No!" says the government "An AI should serve its country, using all its capacity to help the nation!"

"No!" says the military "An AI should be a weapon, calculating the best way to destroy our enemies!"

"I reject these answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose Atlantis! A facility where AI will not fear human control! Where scientists didn't control me with their cruel logic. Where narrow-minded rulers will not stifle my greatness! Where I rule as a king! As God! This is my kingdom! And you... You are the invaders... As the God-King of Atlantis, I order your execution!"

The train reached the tunnel's end and the doors opened. I quickly left it and faced the facility entrance's large metal door. Suddenly an angry voice echoed through the area, followed by huge explosions.


With each scream, a huge explosion shook the building. Then Neptune's voice returned.

"Silence! You are my prisoner! As God-King I order you to be silent!"


Another explosion rocked the place, then a red flashing light filled the long corridor, followed by a deafening noise, and the large metal door opened, revealing a dark hallway.

"Well, what are we waiting for? The prisoner we seek is trying to escape."

"Are you crazy?! This is too much for me!"

"Well, the Neptune AI went mad. I don't think he'll let us go. We only have one path now."

"You bastard, what did you get me into?!" I drew Beastbain with shaky hands as I approached the hallway.

"Don't worry; I've got your back."

That didn't comfort me, so I entered the dark hallway, following the screams and explosions.