tame the beast or be tamed



Then when he got home he kept on thinking of how he would tame this specific beast, he felt like that specific beast would be hard to tame and he didn't know how to go about it, suddenly he noticed a wild range of water flowing besides him that almost carried him away, luckily he held unto a very strong stick and he wasn't ready to let go, because he didn't want go away with the water.

In fear he said to beast of monsoon; please could you at least reduce the water a bit??

and then the monsoon beast replied saying; I'm just doing what I am meant to do and there's no way I can reduce the force at which it comes.

So then since the monsoon beast had replied to fuifui, He taught that was an opportunity for him to finally get to know the monsoon beast properly, so then he asked and said; how long does the season of monsoon last? Then the beast said to him; my season last until after three months.

Then fuifui and the monsoon beast began getting used to each other and they became friends, later on all the beast that were attached to each weather conditions hosted a party together and they had folade invited, everybody was happy friendly to each other and so was all the weather beast.

Fuifui was happy to see how things have changed and indeed he was so proud of himself for being able to tame the beasts, so after attending the party he decided to leave for his own country.

And when he got back home every of his friends and family were super excited to see him and were also proud of him, and then one of his college from the discovery crew said to him in amazement 'Fuifui the destined man we are indeed very lucky to have you', and we are very happy that you finally succeeded in