Yeah, nothing happened between us

"Oh my, oh my, oh my. Is that a blush I see?" She asked, drawing closer and pushing Dong-cha's face aside while her eyes beamed with excitement. "I have an eye for these things. So tell me, how close did you two become?"

"Well," Yun-tae blushed even harder, but when he glanced at Chin-Hwa one more time to find him simply scribbling down on his journal, penning down a few key points he remembered from their first class, his blush died down.

He remembered Chin-hwa's shocked expression as he found them kissing, and something told him he didn't want to know why he looked so shocked like the world was on fire.

It was all roses for him now but for Chin-hwa, it was probably still fire on earth, with their friendship being all rocky and stuff.

They noticed Yun-tae staring at Chin-hwa with a certain expression and were curious as to what happened between them.