
"what's going on up there?!" Aiden yelled as they kept running and bulldozing low level demons out of their path.

"I think — I think the commander got caught up in trouble" Anissa said.

"If the general isn't here— Lillith has been ambushed!" Riya said, her eyes widening.

"We need to go back. We can't just leave the commander behind to fight alone" Aiden said.

"She's a lot more powerful than you give her credit for." Rachael said, trying to mask her anxiety.

"We still have to go back. I stand with the kid on this one" Riya said, halting.

"What about the plan? She gave us strict orders to follow" Anissa said.

"There is no plan without the commander, Anissa. I'm sure even you understand that" Riya said.