"However, I need to be clear about something. I have no intention of giving any of my mates unequal treatment based on what type of beastkin they change into or based on their powers. There isn't going to be a less-than-mentality, and I won't support it being enforced on other males. I will allow there to be a lead male since that seems like the best way to organize things but I will still be able to refuse that lead male since I dislike being controlled the most. The lead male will not be able to push the other males aside though and in the end, I will be the one who decides who I sleep with and when I feel like laying eggs and for who. So Oliver being a chipmunk beastkin will not lower his standing in our family. Everyone who I decide to allow to be a member of my family will have their own equal place, no matter what society says their place should be."
He locked eyes with me, weighing my words carefully, but his expression was a complete mystery to me.