In a world where advanced technology and hidden agendas intertwine, Nie Yun, a brilliant yet mysterious engineer, has harnessed the power of self-replicating machines known as mechanical bugs. After transforming his base of operations, the Sea Wolf, into a state-of-the-art underwater fortress, Nie Yun embarks on an ambitious project to expand his domain beneath the ocean’s surface. The seabed, rich with untapped resources, becomes his playground as he creates an automated empire driven by the relentless efficiency of his mechanical creations.
However, the tranquility of his underwater haven is shattered when two desperate men, fleeing from their past, accidentally stumble upon his secret island. Unbeknownst to them, they’ve crossed paths with a power far beyond their understanding. As they are thrust into a world of technological marvels and eerie robots, they must navigate the fine line between survival and becoming pawns in Nie Yun’s grand design.
As tensions rise and secrets unravel, the novel delves into themes of ambition, survival, and the unforeseen consequences of technological advancement. With its blend of suspense, action, and dark humor, this story challenges its characters to face the unknown and tests their limits in a high-stakes game of power and control beneath the ocean’s depths.