Chapter 136- Another reward?

Austin was back in his room after a long training session with Rudolph followed by Valerie.

It was a sight to behold when Valerie and Rudolph were sparring though. Two warriors who have walked on the path of greatness, and have been shaping them to become what they are right now.

Sadly, if Austin has to fight someone of Rudoplph's caliber in the first round, there are very few chances for him to come out victorious.

"Are you going to use the bathroom?" Austin asked as he prepared to go in.

Sheldon shook his head, "You go first, I take a long time."

Austin smiled wryly, it was the same for him. But well, he took the proposal and went inside.

There was a round bathing pool on the ground, just like it was in the academy.

Steaming warm water was waiting for him as Austin stripped off his clothes and dove in.


He enjoyed the sensation for a few moments, before redirecting his focus on the battle tomorrow.