Chapter 155- Training

Valerie moved through the forest, closely listening to the sound of collision from far ahead as she prepared to help the raiders from her side.

The training site was situated in the forest which explains why she was having a hard time moving through the terrain.

Finally, she reached a clearing where Rhea was engaged in a battle with Ryan. 

Although the two of them were of the same rank, Ryan was simply overwhelming the girl because of the experience he held 

Ryan was much like Rhea—someone who was allowed to risk his life to gain experience. However, unlike the pinkhead, who was much more focused on refining her skills, Ryan utilized his time to attain combat experience.

Valerie could see that Rhea was getting pushed away, and if things continued like this, their team raider would be out of the game in the first few minutes.

Valerie summoned her Shard and was about to end this battle by encasing Ryan—when suddenly, she heard,