Chapter 9 Rewrite

Sam signed the document as he finalized the contract with Gail. After weeks of intense development, the moment of truth had arrived. With a few final keystrokes, the deal was sealed.

Sam leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "It's done," he announced, meeting Gail's gaze.

Gail returns the smile and extends her hand. "Excellent work, Sam. I'm looking forward to seeing Arkham Asylum released to the other cities next week."

Sam and Gail shook hands, sealing the deal. "I'll be in touch with the details," Gail said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Welcome to the SimQuest team, Sam."

With a final nod, Sam exited the cozy café, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay ahead. As he made his way back to his apartment, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and anticipation.

Once home, Sam settled into his chair and opened the review section for his Arkham Asylum simulation. A mix of emotions washed over him as he scanned the comments. The majority were overwhelmingly positive, with players praising the attention to detail and immersive experience.

However, Sam's brow furrowed as he came across some negative reviews. Certain players had expressed frustration with the challenge level, particularly the restriction on killing. They described harrowing experiences where attempting to kill the villains resulted in them becoming infected by the Joker's venom, transforming Batman into the monstrous Batman Who Laughs.

Sam added the ending of Batman becoming The Batman Who Laughs to show players what will happen if they break Batman's no-killing policy. He couldn't really force them to not kill, but there are consequences if they do. Sam still did not want to add a killing option, because it would tarnish Batman's image.

People also complain of the lack of weapons since Batman is mostly hand-to-hand combat. Hunters use weapons the majority of the time, so they were not able to increase their proficiency in weapon mastery.

Sam took note of these complaints. He couldn't really incorporate weapons into the Batman simulation, but he would take note of it when creating future simulations. Sam would create an easy mode and hardcore mode for the players, to address the difficulty.

With a thoughtful nod, Sam opened the system interface and began tinkering with the settings. He knew that balancing the challenge level was crucial to ensure the simulation remained engaging for a wide range of players. Some would relish the unforgiving nature of Batman's no-kill policy, while others would appreciate a more accessible experience.

Toggling between the two modes, Sam carefully adjusted the enemy AI, damage thresholds, and availability of gadgets. In the easy mode, he made the villains slightly less aggressive, allowing players to subdue them without risking transformation. The hardcore setting, on the other hand, would push the players to their limits, forcing them to master Batman's combat skills and detective work.

As Sam fine-tuned the simulation, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. He was eager to see how the players would respond to the new options, and whether they would embrace the full depth of the Arkham Asylum experience.

Ruby sits quietly in the back of the armored truck, her fingers tapping against her knee as the vehicle rumbles along the dusty road. The four other Hunters in the group are chatting amongst themselves, their voices a dull murmur, but Ruby keeps her focus on the mission ahead.

The group's leader, a grizzled D-Rank Hunter with a scar across his face, turns to address them. "Listen up," he says, his voice gruff. "This mission is to destroy a Goblin settlement. The report says there could be anywhere from 50 to 100 of the bastards holed up there."

Ruby nods, her expression serious. She's been on E-Rank missions before, but she knows better than to underestimate the threat. Goblins, while not the most formidable creatures, can be dangerous in large numbers.

"Stay alert and stick to the plan," the leader continues. "I don't want any heroics, understood? We get in, we take care of business, and we get out. This is a straightforward mission, so let's make it a quick one."

The other Hunters nod in agreement, their faces set with determination. Ruby takes a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the battle ahead. She knows she has the skills to handle this, but the uncertainty of the situation still sends a tingle of anticipation down her spine.

As the truck rumbles to a stop, the leader turns to them one last time. "Alright, let's move out. Remember, watch each other's backs out there."

Ruby checks the equipment on her body, ensuring her helmet, body armor, boots, and gloves are secure. She grips her assault rifle, feeling the familiar weight in her hands. The pistol at her side and the knife strapped to her thigh provide additional reassurance.

Ruby grips her assault rifle tightly, she recently extracted Batman's marksmanship from the simulation and during her training, she was able to hit the targets with uncanny accuracy, landing shots dead center 90% of the time.

Feeling a surge of confidence, Ruby takes a deep breath and steadies her stance. The plan is to get in, eliminate the goblins, and get out quickly. She knows she has the skills to handle this mission, but the uncertainty of the situation still sends a tingle of anticipation down her spine.

As the truck comes to a stop, Ruby follows the other Hunters, her finger poised on the trigger, ready to put her training to the test.

Ruby sticks close to her fellow Hunters as they cautiously make their way towards the Goblin Settlement. Her eyes scan the area, alert for any signs of movement or danger. The crunching of gravel and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot put her on edge, her grip tightening around her assault rifle.

The group moves with practiced precision, each Hunter covering the others as they advance. Ruby matches their pace, her body tense and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. She can feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, fueling her determination to succeed in this mission.

Glancing briefly at her teammates, Ruby takes comfort in their presence. United, they will face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Ruby narrows her eyes as the Goblin settlement comes into view. The ramshackle structures are clustered haphazardly, built from a mishmash of scavenged materials - crumbling brick, rusted metal, and splintered wood. Rickety bridges and ramps connect the buildings, and the air is thick with the acrid stench of smoke and waste.

Ruby's grip tightens on her rifle as she scans the area. Dozens of Goblins scurry about, their grotesque features twisted in expressions of malice. Some wield crude weapons, while others lug heavy sacks or drag their clawed feet through the dirt. The settlement is a hive of activity, but the Goblins seem unaware of the Hunters' presence.

Ruby's gaze narrows as she observes their movements, cataloging their behaviors and patterns. She notices a group of Goblins gathered around a large bonfire, their shrill laughter and guttural chattering carrying across the settlement. Another cluster seems to be guarding a makeshift armory, their beady eyes constantly shifting, ever vigilant.

Ruby's team leader raises a hand, signaling them to halt. He leans in, his voice low and urgent. "Alright, listen up. We'll split into two groups - Mei, Kenzo, and I will approach from the east. Ruby, you and Takeshi will come in from the west. We'll hit them hard and fast, understand?"

Ruby nods, her expression grim. She knows the importance of speed and precision in this type of mission. The Goblins may be disorganized, but their sheer numbers could overwhelm them if they're not careful.

Takeshi, a seasoned Hunter with a weathered face, meets Ruby's gaze and gives her a curt nod. They'll need to work in perfect harmony to pull this off.

As the team leader gives the final signal, Ruby takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the impending chaos.

Ruby grips her rifle tightly, her finger poised on the trigger as she waits for the leader's signal. Beside her, Takeshi stands ready, his expression focused and unwavering. The cacophony of the Goblin settlement fills the air, a discordant symphony of grunts and laughter.

The leader's hand rises, and Ruby springs into action. She sights down the barrel, her aim steady and true, and squeezes the trigger. The rifle barks, and a Goblin crumples to the ground, clutching its chest. Ruby doesn't pause, her muscles moving with the precision and confidence imbued by the Batman simulation. She sweeps her aim, picking off Goblins one by one, each shot finding its mark with devastating accuracy.

Takeshi joins the fray, his own weapon thundering as he lays down a hail of suppressing fire. The Goblins, caught off guard by the sudden attack, scramble in panic, their crude weapons waving wildly. Ruby ducks behind a crumbling wall, reloading her rifle with practiced efficiency, then resumes her deadly barrage.

The air is thick with the acrid stench of gunpowder and the shrill cries of the Goblins. Ruby's heart pounds in her chest, but her focus never wavers. She sights another target, her finger squeezing the trigger, and watches as the Goblin crumples to the ground, lifeless.

Ruby grits her teeth as a Goblin charges at her while she's reloading. Thinking quickly, she draws her pistol and squeezes the trigger. The Goblin staggers, then crumples to the ground, lifeless.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ruby sees another Goblin creeping up on Takeshi's blind spot. Without hesitation, she grips her knife and hurls it with precision, the blade sinking into the Goblin's skull. The creature lets out a guttural cry before collapsing.

Takeshi turns, his eyes widening as he realizes what just happened. "Thanks for the save!" he calls out, his voice tinged with relief.

Ruby nods, her focus unwavering as she scans the battlefield for any other threats. The Goblin settlement has descended into chaos, with her team's assault throwing the creatures into disarray. She can hear the sounds of combat echoing from the other side of the encampment, where the team leader and the others are engaging the enemy.

Reloading her rifle, Ruby takes a deep breath, steadying her nerves. The adrenaline coursing through her veins is a familiar feeling, one she's grown accustomed to during her time as a Hunter. But the stakes are high, and she knows they can't afford any mistakes.

Ruby and her team finish killing all of the Goblins. Ruby thought, throughout the fight, that she did not miss her target. She thanks Genesis, the creator of Batman: Arkham Asylum, for the marksmanship skill she had honed in the simulation.

The leader, a grizzled D-Rank Hunter, surveys the carnage with a critical eye. "Good work, all of you," he says, his voice gruff but tinged with approval. "But we can't let these bodies attract more trouble. Gather them up - we'll need to burn them before we head back."

Ruby nods, already moving to comply. She and the others quickly but carefully collect the Goblin corpses, piling them in the center of the settlement. Takeshi retrieves a flaming torch, and with a somber nod, he tosses it onto the heap.

The bodies catch quickly, the flames licking hungrily at the dry, decaying flesh. Ruby watches the fire consume the Goblins, the acrid smoke stinging her eyes. It's a necessary task, she knows - leaving the bodies would only draw in more dangerous creatures, putting their mission and their lives at risk.

As the last of the Goblins turn to ash, the leader turns to his team. "Alright, let's move out. Time to report back to Jade City."

Ruby falls in step with the others, her rifle slung over her shoulder. She can't help but feel a sense of pride at her performance during the battle. The skills she honed in the Batman: Arkham Asylum simulation had served her well, allowing her to take down the Goblins with deadly precision.

"Hey, Ruby," Takeshi says, falling into pace beside her. "Nice shooting back there. Didn't know you had it in you."

Ruby allows herself a small smile. "Guess I've been practicing," she replies, the ghost of a wink in her voice.

The team sets off, leaving the smoldering remains of the Goblin settlement behind. Ruby can't wait to report their success to the Jade City authorities, and perhaps even share a few details of her experience with the Batman simulation. After all, it had given her an edge that had undoubtedly saved lives today.