Chapter 37

Sam steadies his rifle, lining up the crosshairs on the last goblin scurrying through the underbrush. With a squeeze of the trigger, the creature lets out a high-pitched wail as it crumples to the ground. He scans the area, but the forest has fallen silent, the threat neutralized.

Sam releases a pent-up breath, lowering his weapon. "That's the last of them." He reaches into his pack, retrieving a map of the region. Tracing his finger along the winding trails, he searches for the quickest route back to the city.

"Looks like I need to head northwest." Sam folds the map and secures it, then sets off through the dense foliage. His boots crunch on the fallen leaves, the only sound breaking the eerie stillness of the forest.

As he navigates the winding path, Sam can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. "Not bad for a rookie," he murmurs to himself. The Goblins had been no match for his strength.

Sam hears the commotion in the distance and quickly rushes towards the source. Emerging into a clearing, he spots a group of Hunters engaged in battle with a massive, Velociraptor-like creature. Its scaly back is adorned with jagged fins, and it towers over the Hunters menacingly.

Without hesitation, Sam hurls a series of explosive bombs at the creature's back, drawing its attention away from the Hunters. The monster lets out a deafening roar and charges towards Sam, its razor-sharp claws outstretched.

Sam ducks and weaves, evading the creature's frenzied attacks. Seizing the opportunity, he darts between the monster's legs and plunges his sword deep into the vulnerable heels. The creature howls in pain, thrashing wildly.

Sam ducks as the massive creature swings its clawed paw towards him. In the corner of his eye, he sees a Hunter with a large battle axe leap into the air, bringing the weapon down in a powerful arc. The axe slams into the monster's side, eliciting a deafening roar.

Seizing the opportunity, Sam scrambles to the creature's underbelly, clutching a canister of Explosive Gel. With a quick spray, he coats the vulnerable area, then retreats to a safe distance.

"Now!" he shouts, and the archer, bow drawn, unleashes a volley of arrows directly at the monster's eyes. The enchanted projectiles strike true, causing the creature to thrash in pain and agony.

Sam ignites the Explosive Gel with a well-placed shot from his pistol. The resulting blast engulfs the monster's lower body, sending chunks of flesh and scales flying in all directions. The creature's agonized howls reverberate through the clearing.

Refusing to relent, the axe-wielding Hunter leaps back into the fray, swinging his weapon with practiced precision. Each strike chips away at the monster's defenses, forcing it to focus on the immediate threat.

Seeing an opening, Sam sprints forward, priming a series of explosive charges. He shoves them deep into the creature's gaping maw, then backpedals as the monster snaps its jaws shut.

"Fire in the hole!" Sam yells, diving for cover just as the explosives detonate. The blast rips through the monster's head, reducing it to a lifeless, smoldering husk.

Sam emerges from his hiding spot, brushing debris from his clothes. He nods to the two Hunters, who approach cautiously, their weapons still at the ready.

Sam watches as the axe-wielding Hunter approaches him, his expression serious but grateful.

"Thanks for the assist back there," the Hunter says, extending his hand. "I'm Marco, the team leader."

Sam shakes Marco's calloused hand firmly. "Sam Briar. Glad I could help."

A young archer with a bow slung over his shoulder steps forward. "And I'm Howard. Your explosives were a real lifesaver."

Sam nods, his gaze drifting to the injured teammate behind them. "Is he alright?"

Marco's brow furrows with concern. "He took a nasty hit. We're out of potions." The injured Hunter winces, his leg bleeding profusely.

Without hesitation, Sam reaches into his pack and retrieves a glowing vial. "Here, use this." He hands the potion to Marco, who accepts it gratefully.

"You sure?" Marco asks, eyeing the vial.

"Positive," Sam assures him. "I have a few more in reserve."

Marco nods and kneels beside the injured Hunter, uncorking the potion. "This should do the trick." He helps the man drink the restorative liquid, and within moments, the bleeding begins to slow.

The Hunter sighs with relief, the color returning to his face. "Thank you," he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sam offers a small smile. "Glad I could help."

Marco rises, clasping Sam's shoulder. "We owe you one, Briar. If you hadn't shown up when you did, we'd have been done for."

Sam feels a surge of pride, but he quickly dismisses it. "Just doing my job. Though I have to admit, that thing was one tough customer."

Marco chuckles. "You got that right. We've been tracking that Drakkon for weeks. Nasty piece of work."

Sam looks at the lifeless Drakkon carcass and turns to Marco. "What are you going to do with the body?"

Marco rubs his chin, a faint smile on his lips. "I've got some guys who can come pick it up. A Drakkon body like this is worth a pretty penny on the black market."

Sam raises an eyebrow, not entirely surprised by the revelation. "I see. Well, I'm glad I could be of assistance."

Marco nods and places a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Speaking of which, let me get your information so I can make sure you get your share of the rewards."

Sam hesitates, not entirely comfortable with the idea. "That's not necessary. It was your target, after all."

"Nonsense," Marco insists. "You saved our hides out there. The least we can do is make sure you get compensated properly."

Recognizing the futility of arguing, Sam relents. "Alright, fine." He retrieves his Hunter ID and hands it to Marco.

"Excellent." Marco examines the card, committing the details to memory. "I'll make sure to transfer the funds to you once the Drakkon is processed. You just sit tight and keep up the good work, Briar."

Sam nods, relieved to have the transaction handled. "I appreciate it, Marco. Let me know if you need anything else."

With a final handshake, Sam turns and begins making his way back towards the city.

Sam makes his way back to the city, his boots crunching on the cobblestone streets. He heads straight for the Hunter Headquarters, ready to submit his mission report.

As he enters the grand, marble-clad building, the receptionist greets him with a warm smile. "Welcome back, Hunter Briar. How can I assist you today?"

"I've completed the goblin and wolf elimination missions," Sam replies, handing over his mission log. "Here's the report and any relevant evidence."

The receptionist quickly scans the documents, her expression brightening. "Excellent work, Hunter Briar." She taps a few keys on her computer, then turns to him. "Your reward has been transferred to your account. Well done."

Sam nods, relieved to have the task completed. "Thank you."

Sam headed back, his mind buzzing from the adrenaline. The hunt had been exhilarating, from the goblins and wolves to the powerful Drakkon. Facing such formidable beasts was both thrilling and daunting.

"That Drakkon was one tough monster," he muttered.

The experience had given him a glimpse into the lives of Hunters. Now, Sam was determined to capture that sense of danger and excitement in his next simulation. He envisioned a world with more dynamic threats, where players had to think and adapt on the fly.

Sam quickened his pace, eager to get back to his workspace and start brainstorming. This next simulation would be a game-changer.

Sam was about to head out when he accidentally bumped into someone. It was a woman with vibrant, long red hair styled in a high ponytail.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" the woman exclaimed. "I didn't see you there."

Sam steadied himself, offering a sheepish smile. "No, it's my fault. I should have been paying more attention."

As he regained his balance, his eyes were drawn to the massive weapon strapped to the woman's back. "Is that the Kalina Ann?" he asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

The woman's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes, it is! You recognize it?" She eagerly unshouldered the rocket launcher, cradling it in her arms. "This baby is from a simulation called Devil May Cry. It's my signature weapon - I just love how powerful and versatile it is."

Sam couldn't help but smile at the woman's enthusiasm. "I see. That sounds like quite an impressive simulation."

"It is!" the woman gushed. "The combat is so fluid and dynamic. And the characters are just amazing - especially Lady, the demon hunter who wields the Kalina Ann." She paused, suddenly realizing she had been rambling. "Oh, I'm sorry, I got a little carried away there. I'm Ruby, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Ruby," Sam replied, offering his hand. "I'm Sam."

Ruby shook his hand enthusiastically. "It's great to meet you, Sam! Are you a fan of Devil May Cry as well?"

Sam hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "Well, I, uh..." He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "I've heard good things about the simulation."

Ruby nodded, a hint of understanding in her expression. "I see. Well, if you ever get the chance, I highly recommend it. The combat is just so satisfying, and the story is really engaging too."

Sam nodded, feeling a twinge of pride at the praise for his creation, even if Ruby didn't know he was the one behind it. "I'll have to keep that in mind," he said, trying to sound casual.

As the two continued their conversation, Sam couldn't help but wonder if Ruby's enthusiasm for Devil May Cry might lead her to discover his involvement in the simulation. For now, he was content to simply enjoy the moment and bask in the appreciation for his work.

Sam watches as Ruby slings the Kalina Ann back over her shoulder, a wistful expression on her face.

"Well, it was great chatting with you, Sam," she says, her tone warm. "Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime. You know, as fellow E-Rank Hunters, we could even team up on a mission or two."

Sam feels a flutter of excitement at the prospect, but he quickly tempers it. "That would be interesting," he replies, keeping his tone casual. "I'd be honored to work alongside someone as skilled as you."

Ruby grins, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "It's a deal then! I'll keep an eye out for you, Sam. Until next time!"

With a friendly wave, Ruby turns and heads off, disappearing into the bustling crowd of the Hunter Headquarters. Sam stands there for a moment, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

The idea of teaming up with Ruby, even if just for a single mission, fills him with a sense of excitement. As an E-Rank Hunter, he knows he has much to learn, and the opportunity to learn from someone as experienced as Ruby would be invaluable.

Sam takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the challenges that lie ahead. With a renewed sense of purpose, he turns and heads back towards his apartment, already formulating plans for his next simulation project.


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Advance chapters in my P@|r$0n/Najicablitz