
The man stared down at her figure, there was no mistaking it, she was in a trance. 'Is that such a shocking discovery? Its as if she heard a dog talk.' He grinned.

"Let's go." He orders, staring down at his watch once more, before straightening himself to fully stand in his tall glory.

"I'll drop you off at your place." He initiates, but the lady didn't even blink to his words, nor did she inquire from him. 'How do you know where I live?'

'Just what have you done, Navier?' For the first time in her life, she wished that she would just vanish into thin air.

'What have you gotten yourself into?' She stared into space, no even aware of her surroundings anymore, nor the man beside her.

'What will I tell Jenna, when she gets back and ask how the _'meeting_' went? No-' she bent her head, giving the tiled floor a stare, while mentally tugging at her hair in defeat.

Her world seemed to have stopped, when the most important thought crossed her mind. 'What will I tell, uncle?'

'Oh, uncle...' Navier immediately began to construct the worst scenarios ever with her mind.

The man, not wanting to wait on her any longer, grabbed her bag, and took a hold of her hand, leading her away to the garage. Navier was indeed not aware of the lefts and turns they took, as she was in her own world- thinking of possible outcomes.

She didn't come to her senses even when the elevator opened, leading them straight to his car and guards, who awaited his arrival. It was when he opened the door for her to get in that Navier finally regained her sense of consciousness.

The lady almost flinched in shock as soon as the realization dawned on her. She had zoned out, and he had witnessed her immaculately foolish state.

'How embarrassing.' Navie averted her gaze from him. The lady struggled to find a befitting excuse in order to save face, but luckily for her he cut her off at the right moment.

"Get in." He said, not ready to entertain anymore of her delays.

Without any heistation, Navier sat on the comfy seat- more like leapt onto the seat, because the car was a lot more taller than she had expected.

It was an immediate act to cover up her shame- but it seemed to have worsened with the way she lunched into the car, as though she didn't have her own, or has never seen one even.

Still seated in the car, with the door still pryed open by him. Navier could feel his startled gaze lingering on her- it was embarrassing.

'I just want to disappear for forever.' Her brown eyes gazed down at her slender fingers, not glancing his way as she would die from shame.

The tall man, finally clasped the door shut, still amused by what had just occured not too long ago. 'She really is full of surprises.' A chuckle escaped his sealed lips.

He tried hard to comport himself, since they would be riding together. His men watched, completely baffled as well, as he joined her shortly.

He threw her a look, but her eyes were already stuck outside the window. She was avoiding him, that much was clear not to miss. As soon as they hit the road, he finally spoke up.

"My men will pick you up, tomorrow 8am sharp." She side glanced at him, trying to comprehend what it was he was saying.

"You'll be moving into my house, tomorrow. You don't need to pack much, except your essential necessities." He concluded, leaving the poor lady completely stupefied, as her head snapped towards his direction. At this point in time, shame flew out the window- completely forgotten.

"W-w-what do mean?" She couldn't fanthom what was going on with him, nor with his head. He was like that the very day they met, so much it confused her.

"What is so difficult to understand?" He retorted back, staring at the document he was now reading. "Isn't it what 'couples' do?" The brute indirectly mocked, retorting her words back at her.

"Yes, b-but, so fast?" Navier couldn't fight her stutters since she was too shocked to care for rationality.

"I don't think I'm ready yet..." with her murmuring out words to herself, the man dropped the document on his laps as his head snapped towards her direction this time, observing her.

"So, hit, quit and run, is that it?" He suddenly asked, slightly irritated by her flared emotions.

'What did he just say?' Navier's brain was so unstable for the mind thwarting game he was trying to play with her at the moment.

"W-what? When did I..." she was lost for words at such an accusation.

"Weren't you the one who wanted to marry me so badly?" She didn't miss the mockery that lingered in his voice as he stared into her eyes.

"Y-yes, but...couples converse when it comes to these things. Its based on a mutual agreement between the two." Navier defends.

'Its not just something you spring up on someone as though you are conversing about the weather.' Navier's eyes darted around in panic, her hands slightly trembling.

'I don't even know you. can't we at least start from somewhere? How can I possibly convince your family, when I don't even know your name?'

'Beside if I never met you that night and someone else of your status instead, I would've proposed still.' But she didn't say that to the mysterious man who kept his stoic gaze on her.

Navier sure didn't take it seriously when he had advised her to think carefully, about this matted. 'I'm such an A class fool.'

"So, you're saying you can't do it?" He mocked the lady further. Although she could barely make out what he was saying admist her troubled mind.

"No, that's not what I meant." Navier paused, finally thinking.

'If I say yes, what will I tell Jenna about my departure, tomorrow?' He looked dangerous when he warned her not to tell a soul about their encounter, so what happens now?

"Tell her you got hired, you will no longer live in your house, since an accomodation has already been provided for your arrival." As if reading her mind, he bluntly responded with a straight face.

Navier slowly turned to look at him, as if he had committed a blasphemy against God himself.

"You want me to lie?" She stared at his beautiful side view, clearly engrossed in whatever it was he returned his attention to, he wasn't at all looking her way anymore.

"Isn't that what couples do for each other?" He sarcastically quipped, using the same line again, so much it annoyed her.

"You're, mocking me." She uttered with a straight face, angered by his unhelpful nature.

"I just gave you a soultion. Its up to you to decide."

"I can't lie to Jenna." Navier felt devastated at the mere thought. "Anything but that. I just can't..." she mumbled helplessly, which he took note of.

"People lie all the time, don't make a big fuss out of it." He deadpanned bluntly, as if he was scolding a child.

Navier looked up at him in dismay, clearly disappointed. "This isn't about business, or soccer, Mr Millanaire." She pointed, using his last name- it annoyed him.

"This is about family, and Jenna is family. I can't lie to her." It'll ruin everything.

"Didn't you lie to her face before you gave me a call last night, and the night before?" He mused, Navier froze with such a statement being said. It felt as though she had been slapped hard on the face.

'How does he know that?' Is what she thought.

Without hesitation, the beautiful man leaned closer to her, causing the lady's back to hit the door behind her. "You told her the same thing, didn't you?"

Navier bowed her head in shame, whereas the truth stood stark right before his eyes. He smirked intently. 'And yet you claim to know shame, interesting.'

"What about my uncle?" She questioned, her word barely a whisper.

"You can kill two birds with one stone." He answered, relaxing back on his seat, as the car took a left turn, finally coming to a halt in the quiet neighborhood.

Navier stared outside with a blank expression on her pretty face. "Thank you for driving me back home."

"Think nothing of it." He dryly dismissed. "8am sharp." He reminds her, "they won't wait a moment longer for any delays." He warned, whereas the lady opened the door, finally taking her leave.

She gave him a slight bow, showing her gratitude, before they drove off, leaving the lady all to herself. Navier walked into the house.

Once the door was shut closed behind her, her bag fell from her weakened grip, as she too slumped down beside it.

Her back against the door, all energy in her legs seemed to have fled from her, from the feeling of being suffocated. Her slender fingers shook as they reached for the bag in search of her inhaler.

Navier successfully calmed down after taking a few shorts, before her phone buzzed in her bag.

"Good luck at successfully securing another job, I'll be home extra early so we can celebrate. Don't even think about declining. See you soon Nave, love you." With love stickers on it.

"Tell her you got hired, you will no longer live in your house, since an accomodation has already been provided for your arrival." She recalled him say to her.

"You want me to lie?"

"I can't lie to Jenna."

"Didn't you lie to her face before you gave me a call last night, and the night before?"

'Its inevitable.' Navier stood up, utterly exhausted while heading to her room. She would've been over the moon if no ones feelings were involved to jest with.

When the doorbell rang out, Navier took sluggish steps before reaching the door. Already aware of who it was.

Right after the door was pulled open, she was greeted with black and golden ballons hovering infront of her face, before Jenna's face popped out behind them.

"Hey beauty!" She squealed before hugging Navier with the cake and everything. Navier didn't want to attract attentions from passers by or even their neighbours, so they proceeded inside.

After scanning everything Jenna placed on the table, Navier couldn't help but note. "You didn't really have to buy so much."

"Are you kidding? Of course I had to go all out for you." She laughed, "You deserve it." The smile gave felt as though Navier's heart was being squeezed.

"Don't just stand there, you need to cut the cake, then we can eat these deserts I bought." Not knowing what to do, her legs led her towards the dinning room, where Jenna was already seated.

"Jenna..." Navier started, taking a seat. "There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" But she suddenly cuts her off, "Wait, let me guess. Someone tickled your fancy?" Jenna quipped, but when she didn't get the reaction she hoped for, she turned serious as well.

"What happened?"

Navier fidgeted with her fingers, "I got the job."

"That's why we're celebrating." Jenna answered.

"I'll be starting tomorrow."

"Really? That's great news, Nave." The more ecstatic Jenna felt with every lie told to her, the more Navier felt pathetic.

"I won't be living here after today, Jenna." Afraid to meet her sullen gaze, Navier looked down.

"I know." Jenna's sudden affirmation caused the other lady to shoot her a look, as if uncertain of what she heard.


"You'll be working at stone-tech, Nave. Everyone who works at stone-tech gets their own accommodation space, if they want to." Jenna explained ecstatically, leaving the other lady lost and baffled.

'This was absolutely not the reaction I hoped to meet.'


"Nope, don't do that." She scolded. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you said so yourself. You deserve this." Jenna encouraged.

"What about you?"

"I'll be okay." She assured, without even a hint of sadness in her eyes as she spoke. "Get out there, have fun, fall in love. I just want you to be happy, Nave." Navier was left speechless at such a statement.

'Who would've thought Jenna was great in these kind of situations?'

She instantly gave her a hug. "Thank you." Navier uttered, silently begging for her forgiveness. "I don't deserve you."

"Stop saying things like that." She hugged her back.

"Come on, cut the cake, and we'll eat desert and head to bed. We wouldn't want you looking like crap tomorrow." They laughed and chatted away in bliss.