
Miriam-Dore stared at the man whom she once loved passionately, and still does, as he sat on his throne atop a raised dais. Shades of bright lights emanating from his body, and alien creatures she never believed existed, stood tall in their terrific statues, all around the throne-room, waiting on his beck and call.

She stared at her form, didn't recognize herself at all. In his realm, she had no arms and legs, except a floating body with a golden crown on her head, bound in chains before the crown prince. 

Despair was written all over her, and she succumbed to it. She knew she didn't deserve to be forgiven. Punishment was what she would eventually get. The power of words had corroded her of sound thinking. Whatever the punishment would be, she knew it came with the choices she made. Her face was set like flint, as she stood before Prince Avidon of Valdi.

Anoma, the Mastermind behind her downfall, stood some feet beside her, with a smooth smile plastered on his celestial face. This wasn't his first time in the council-throne-room, and so far, he was steadily getting his revenge on them for throwing him out of his home.

Anoma, was the illegitimate son of the king, but had no rights to the throne. His blood was corrupt and ignoble. Seeing how Avidon unconsciously commanded cosmic love and loyalty made him burn, and the king's unrelenting hatred for Anoma, turned him into a nefarious being. Anoma led the first multiversal war, to take his rightful possession of the throne. The kingdom was divided, powers were usurped and lives were lost.

It was at this time, the apocalypse of Avidon's powers, broke out in vengeful indignation against his brother. He was an image of fire and ice, a mobile volcano accompanied by hailstorm, against Anoma's forces, ending the war and causing the banishment of Anoma. 

Anoma thought he won just because he was a hybrid and was aligned to it's powers. Nothing special about Avidon at all.

So standing here again, in chains before the familiar faces, brought him a sense of victory, as both Miriam and Anoma awaited judgement. He would do anything to be back at Valdi, even though it meant dedicating his life to stop Avidon from achieving happiness.

The presence of Miriam-Dore before his throne, the woman whom he denied divine rights for, broke his heart. Though he acted like he wasn't touched by her disposition, he did everything in his power to save her from death during the council meeting. He'd plan for her first visit to Valdi, to be a positively unforgettable experience; this was unforgettable alright. 

After their sentence, Avidon returned her to her body in the earth realm. The only thing that caused her to reign chaos for a little time was taken from her; her beauty. Anoma's sentence had to do with very legal matters, which she didn't pay much attention to. 

Between the space of three days, her deterioration was palpable. Avidon stayed by her side through the ordeal. She didn't have to be beautiful to capture his heart, and no matter how many times he tried to talk her out of her obdurateness, she didn't see life as worth living.

Avidon felt like she wasn't forgiven enough, but he made her feel special everytime he had the opportunity. He didn't think she'd ever recognize what he did for her, but he didn't mind. He knew she turned over a new leaf, and she didn't live long to enjoy it.

Her death threw him into oblivion, as he mourned her for almost a century. When he lost her, he lost everything. She was the first human whom he deeply loved, and that was taken away from him. 

He turned his helplessness, into fuel and expanded his businesses in the earth realm. But the riches couldn't fill the deep void of longing in his heart.

Maybe nature foresaw the tragodia, and prepared a little surprise for him. Would he fight to survive till the right time