"Ten years ago, humanity was unified and prosperous, but a mysterious wave of mythical energy with unknown origins swept across the Earth's surface, spreading globally and causing random fissures to appear worldwide. Creatures known as mythical beasts emerged from these cracks, wreaking havoc on the planet. Conventional human weapons proved ineffective against these creatures, and humanity teetered on the brink of defeat.
However, due to the mythical energy that permeated the world, certain humans who absorbed this energy, now known as the mythical force, awakened special abilities and fought against these beasts. This catastrophic event became known as the Great Calamity.
Harden, a young boy whose mother sacrificed herself to protect him from these beasts during the calamity, vows to become the strongest and exact revenge by eradicating every mythical beast. What dangers and challenges await him on his perilous quest for revenge and power?"
The story line is generally captivating and the fight scenes are something to look forward to although there’s room for improvement this story definitely has the potential for becoming the next big thing
it's an amazing book which keeps improving in each chapter . The end of one chapter makes u look forward to another one nd it seems more interesting with each coming chapter