Chapter Three: Lost, But Can Be Found

I walk up to the sidewalk I fell on not so long ago, the cross was still down, but there was a small writing on it, in a different handwriting, saying, "Up, Right, Right, two digits until I can get rid of your life~" I stand there, those three movements seem like nothing…but if added by two others, and if they use it on the three buttons on top of me…the fate of the universe is doomed. 

I look at the writing again, I know who it is, he did this. That's his writing. I need to stop him. As soon as possible. I pick up the cross and take it with me. I guess it's best if it's gone now, I don't want anyone to seem threatened by his tactics. As I walk to the cabin, holding the small broken cross in my hand, I hear a small, eerie chuckle. I turn around and see nothing there, whatever it is, it has completely vanished from existence, whatever it was, it is not good from what I can tell. 

I start walking again, still holding the broken cross. The small eerie chuckle appears again. I turn around, to only see a small shadow run past, too small to be him. Whatever it is, it gives me bad vibes. I resume walking, but surprisingly, the eerie chuckle doesn't start. I keep on walking and make it to the cabin. I drop the two-by-fours in a corner and walk outside. I sit on the grass and enjoy the scenery. 

I fall asleep, the grass being comforting and soft. I wake up to the sound of a high-pitched scream. I look down to see I'm not on the forest grass anymore, I am in a bush, shaking in fear. I look down at my hands, light yellow glass shreds upon them. I realize what it may be, I move my hand slowly up to my screen, to feel a dent, a huge dent. I look back at my hand in horror, I am holding my glass shreds. 

I drop the shreds in disbelief, how did this happen? I realize that the high-pitched scream is my own, I am under attack, and this is only the start. I stand up, with the sharp shreds in hand, one of them cuts me, and I drop the glass to the floor, my arm slightly dripping with an acidic substance. Like most semi to fully-electronic objects, I bleed out acid. I quickly run to the cabin, grab the first piece of fabric I can find, and put it over my arm, stopping the bleeding. 

I look at the piece of fabric, already somewhat eroding, but not too much. I sit down, and worry fills my mind. I wake up in a completely different place, with shards of glass in my hand. What happened to make that happen? I do not remember anything about it, just waking up with shards of glass…

I hear the eerie chuckle in the distance, and it becomes clear, whoever is doing this. Is the source of that laughter. I want to go to the source, this creature has to die soon, it's driving me crazy. I can not do anything, my arm is too weak to move it, and that glass is sharper than I thought it was, whoever did this must be partnering with him. I can't confirm it, but from the small pieces I have put together, this is not a good sign. 

I try to stand up, the excruciating pain from my arm priests. I clutch my arm, yelping in pain as I do so, whatever this little creature is, it must be powerful, and it may be the doom of time. I hold my arm close, I sit back down, I can't do it, not right now, maybe not any time soon. 

I look at the eroding fabric once again, it is not held by a thread but it is somewhat close.  I honestly don't know what to do. I take off the fabric, it does not do much. It covers most of my left wrist, slightly eating away at my skin, but that tattoo, being there before, stays in place. I try to think straight and find a way to fix it. The only way I can think of is water, but being a semi-electronic being, that might short-circuit me, and I don't want to be at risk. 

I stare at my wrist for a good minute. Contemplating everything possible. The acidic blood stops pouring out. I grab a paper towel, and wipe the acid off of my wrist, in response, it erodes the paper towel. I put it in a small trash can. I grab some new fabric and put it over my wrist, now I don't have to see the tattoo or the eroded skin! I still feel the pain, but it isn't as bad as before. I stand up, and walk around the cabin for a moment, trying not to clutch my wrist in pain. 

I pace around the cabin, unsure what to do. I don't want to disturb Chezzy, he probably is with Mason, and they are a good match! I don't want to be a third wheel as well, but I don't want to be alone! I pace faster around the small cabin, unsure what to do. 

As I pace, my eyes land on my tail. Almost automatically I go into a quadrobics form and chase my tail, the sound of my feet on the floor intensifies as I chase it. My gaze follows the gray blur behind me, I completely forget about the pain in my left arm while I run on all fours, the only thing that I feel is the need to catch this tail! 

"I'm going to get you!" I yip to myself, going a little faster. The tail follows pursuit, going a little quicker as well. I chase after it, running in circles until I can almost snatch it. I keep on speeding up, but the tail does the same thing! I huff in annoyance and go faster. I attempt to bite at it, and I barely miss. "Come back here!" 

I try again, waiting for the moment to attack, as it follows me in the circle I've been chasing it in, I wait for my opportunity. I go slower, and attack! I bite my tail straight on, and after at least thirty minutes of chasing, I finally got it! I get it out of my grasp while I yip, excited I finally caught it. 

I lay down, exhausted from running in circles for at least 30 minutes straight. The dirt floor is comfortable, and I fall asleep immediately, I wake up around midnight. I look around the cabin, and for a second, I see him, standing there, watching me. I jolt back and look again, he is gone. I sigh in relief, he isn't there. I am okay. No one is right by me. I calm myself down and then look at my tail, the gray loop swaying slightly, I look straight at it, and chase it again.

Back to doing quadrobics, I chase my tail speedily, trying to get it in my grasp. It is so close, yet so far. I start jumping trying to make it work to my advantage. Jumping up and down repeatedly, and I eventually catch it. I bite on my tail playfully, trying to entertain myself. It gets boring and I just sit there, there is nothing to do now. Nothing that I can do, besides think of teardrop. 

Her smile is still fresh in my mind, though it has been a few weeks to a month since I have seen her. It all seems like yesterday, meeting her while running away from my past. I was just thinking about her. The thought of her reminds me that I am not just an experiment anymore, I am Lotti, Blep if you will, and I always will be! 

I decide to sit normally, and not like a dog, as I change position, I look back at the cloth over my left wrist, and I smile. I don't have to see that tattoo anymore, I am finally free from it. Completely free from the wrath of that stupid pill bottle and his apprentices. After what they have done. I don't think I can trust scientists, they might be dead, but a lot of others may want to hurt me. 

To Chezzy, he is a scientist, why has he not hurt me then? I have only sensed good intentions from him, but how can I be sure? Maybe he is working for him! No no, he is too nice too, he wouldn't hurt a fly! Chezzy is a good scientist, however rare those may be. I know he has no intention of making other objects suffer for over 5 years straight non-stop! I know of it! 

I sigh and look at my left wrist, the tattoo and the acidic burn now covered, it gives me hope. I am not a little subject anymore. I am a normal being! Well, as normal as a stopwatch can be. I think about the little cloth. Maybe Chezzy can fix it! I might need to explain the tattoo… but I bet he would at least be able to make the acid burn a little less, seeable. 

I pick up one of the phones I have previously hidden in the corner of the cabin and take it. Whatever this number is, I guess it's mine now. I try to find the small piece of paper he gave me with his phone number. I dial the number into my screen and brace myself. "Hey Chezzy! It's Blep!" I text him and wait for a response. 

Almost immediately, he responds, "Hi Blep!!" I smile at his enthusiasm. "How are you?"

I respond quickly, "I am doing good! I have a favor to ask of you." I text back. 


"Just curious, have you dealt with acid before, more importantly, can you?" I write, there is silence for a moment. Then I see the three dots, signaling that he is typing.

"What happened?" he texts. "I suppose I can with proper equipment."

"I'll get you the equipment… I will explain later." I type. "Can you help me?" 

"I can try, no promises." 

"That is good enough" I text, "can you meet me tomorrow at the library?" I get a thumbs up as a response, and I turn off the phone. At least I can get that taken care of soon. I sigh, and stand up, looking around the empty cabin just staying there, doing nothing besides providing shelter, storage, and warmth. 

I walk out of the cabin and decide to get that "equipment that Chezzy may need, I honestly don't care how expensive that stuff is, It doesn't matter, I just need the help. Walking out of the forest, I hum a tune, no idea what it is, but I do it anyway. I walk up to a store and grab the supplies for the acidic treatment. The total is a little pricey, but oh well! It doesn't matter. 

I walk to my cabin, honestly not caring about what others think of me anymore. It isn't my fault I am like this! It's his fault, and I don't think I can't forgive him. After what he has done. The buttons, the tail… my eyes, I am surprised that I can even trust Chezzy. Yet his aura is very caring, it's like nothing I've seen in a guy before. Compared to his boyfriend, he is much more compassionate. 

I get to the cabin and lower my tail, holding the stuff for the treatment. I sigh and pace around the little cabin. After a while of impatience, I snap my fingers twice, speeding up time. I closely monitor my phone, ensuring Chezzy doesn't text me while time is sped up. No one else notices that this is happening, so being careful and watching the clock is a good idea.

After a minute or so, it is tomorrow. I snap my fingers twice again to stop it, grab the stuff that I bought, and head to the library! I skip along, carrying everything on my tail, honestly not caring about others' opinions. I get to the library, to see Chezzy there, sitting anxiously. I must have worried him from what I sent yesterday. 

"Hey." I say, nervously fiddling with the cloth on my wrist, "Mind if we do this in a different place? I don't want to explain in this… area." 

he looks at me, then the bag on my tail, at me, then at my wrist, "Sure…Follow me." He still seems concerned about me, which is understandable. I follow him to what I suppose is his apartment building. I can tell that he is thinking about something as he leads me to his apartment. I sway my tail silently as we get to where he lives. He opens the door, and I see a Kazoo. She seems confused when she sees me.

"Chezzy, who is this?" the Kazoo asks, looking at me, Chezzy leads me To the kitchen table and looks at the Kazoo.

"This Is Blep, I met her a while ago, she is helping me with a project!" Chezzy lies, honestly, he says that better than I can. 

The kazoo glares at me, like a reasonable being, I glare back. We keep this eye contact for a good moment, and then She introduces herself, "I'm Dusty! Nice to meet you! By the way, cool tail!" 

 "Thank you!" I smile and watch as she walks off into another room. Then I look at Chezzy, who seems determined. 

Chezzy looks at me straight in the eye, "what happened?" I sit down at the table and place the bag of equipment by him, then sigh. Whatever I say, he will probably remember forever.

I sit down on the other side of the table and reluctantly take off my fabric on it. Chezzy is baffled by the acidic burn, and looks at me waiting for the truth, I sigh and start talking. "I was walking home from a site I used to go to a lot, and I kept on hearing this… this high-pitched Chuckle."

I take a breath and go on as I allow Chezzy to examine the burn, " As I got closer to my house it just… kept following me, like it wanted something from me."  I look down, trying to avoid eye contact. I got to my cabin, fell asleep, and the next moment I-..." I can't even finish my sentence as my eyes start to tear up, but I think Chezzy got the main point.

"You wake up to being attacked by this acid I assume?" Chezzy answers in a worried tone. While doing so I can tell by the way that he abruptly stops, he sees the tattoo. "E-exp? Blep, what is this?" He now seems more interested in the tattoo than the acid burn, as he carefully inspects it.

I want to take my wrist away, but I know he means no harm and will do no harm. I sigh and get ready to repeal at least a little of my past. "Pestovol, he did this to me…" I partially lie to Chezzy. "Ever wonder why I have a tail?" 

I can tell that Chezzy got the hint that I was an experiment by now. He looks me straight in the eye, "You escaped? Good, but do you think Pestovol may have been the one to do this to you?"  I just nod, I don't want to say anymore, I doubt he wants to hear me rant about Z. "Let's just, fix this acid burn" 

Chezzy looks into the bag I bought to see all the equipment he would need, and maybe more. Shocked he looks at the bag then at me, at the bag, before he can say anything, I sigh and answer the question that is probably on his mind, "Don't worry about how much it cost, I already bought it, and yes you can keep this stuff, I have no use of it." 

Chezzy looks at me, flabbergasted, "I-I don't even know what to say, thank you!" 

"It's nothing, but let's just try to focus on the task on hand here, can you fix the burn, or make it less seeable at least?" I answer.

Chezzy nods, "I can do that!" He grabs some of the equipment and reaches out for my wrist. I let him treat it, and just sit there patiently, watching him work on my wrist, it is not too painful. Chezzy works slowly and delicately, Trying to make sure he gets every single place on my wrist cared for. 

"Hey, thanks a lot for this…" I blurt after a while, I am glad that I am getting the care that I need. 

Chezzy smiles as he works on my wrist, invested in trying to heal it, "No problem. Mind if I ask a few questions?" 

"Go ahead! I don't mind!" I respond, waiting for him to ask his questions. 

"What else happened? Like did he attack you with acid?" 

I sigh, I don't want to explain everything. As much as I trust him, I don't know If he can take it all, the experiments, mostly the golden eyes. I think It may be too much for him. "Well I am not sure how or why I was attacked, but I know it has something to do with Pestovol, or one of his comrades." Before Chezzy can respond, the door to his room bursts open, and it's Mason! And he's carrying some first aid supplies? 

His deep voice filled the room "I came over as soon as I could, is her injury super bad?" He asks with a genuine tone of concern, which is odd… I barely even know the guy! Chezzy nods softly before looking back at me and shrugging.

 "Sorry Blep… I had to let Mason know, he's trying to become a doctor and he knows a lot more about injuries than I do…" Chezzy says, rubbing the back of his head.

I sigh in relief that Chezzy got a doctor, and I hide my nerves, knowing Mason will ask me soon about being an SPW. Most likely when Milo is busy doing something else. "Don't worry! It's fine! I am glad that you got someone who knows how to deal with this!"

Mason walks to the table and Looks at my arm, a little flabbergasted by the burn. "What… Happened?" Mason sits by Chezzy and starts fixing my arm, he seems to know what to do. "How did you get this?" 

"Well, I'd rather not get into too much detail, but you know a lot about stopwatches, I assume, if you are trying to be a doctor," I say, going to slowly lean into the subject. 

Mason nods, "Yeah, we have a small section about the weird aspects of your kind. just in case we run into one." 

I nod, I know that there are a few talks about SPWs in schools, it's not a big topic, but it still is one out there. "So, I assume you remember hearing something about blood for semi, to full electronic devices?" 

This seems to hit Mason in the head, he starts to piece things together. He looks up to the crack in my screen, looking at the loose wire, then at my wrist. "Someone cracks your screen, and you try to fix it, but doing so you cut yourself on the wrist, starting the acidic substance that runs like blood through you to bleed out and burn your arm. Am I correct?" 

I nod, Chezzy, who is still sitting by Mason, is stunned by the seemingly impossible outcome, to be correct. "That's a good rundown of it!" I answer. Mason works on my wrist and is doing a really good job. 

I sit there for a moment, and Chezzy perks up, "Oh, I want to show you something!"  He walks out, and as soon as Chezzy is out of view, Mason looks at me. I already know what the question he was going to ask, but I let him say it himself.

"You're an actual stopwatch, correct?" 

I nod and look down, trying to avoid eye contact. "Indeed I am." 

"How old are you then? You should be relatively young." 

"I am 21, just a mere child," I say, a bit nervous. 

Mason looks at me, studying my features, "I see, are you actually, Y-know?" 

I sigh, and I look at Mason in the eyes, a fear seeping through them, "Indeed I am Immortal, a time stopper, and sadly, a hermaphrodite. Don't tell Chezzy about this… I am not ready to tell him."  

Mason nods, "I won't, but I do suggest you tell him eventually." He thinks for a moment, before going on, "If you are…Immortal, do you feel pain? I know it may be a stupid question, but I am curious." 

I nod with a smile, "I feel pain, but I can not exactly, pass from it. The number of times I have escaped death is not funny." 

As I say this, Dusty walks in, her hand in a fist, I immediately get scared. She probably overheard everything. "Mason, what are you helping Blep with?" 

Mason looks away, his deep voice still startling when he speaks, "An acid burn…" He looks back to Dusty , who still looks at him with suspicion.

"Really? Can you confirm this Blep?" Dusty asks, turning her attention to me. I nod vigorously.  "Alright… Don't be saying that just because you're scared." 

"I am not! I promise you that's all it is!" 

"Alright," she answers, then looks at Mason, then walks off. I worry that she is going to tell Chezzy about this. If she does, Man I am doomed! 

After a few moments, Mason goes back to working on my wrist. "She is scary." I nod in agreement. From only meeting her for a moment, she seems very intimidating

"Yeah, I see that in her as well. She might be the doom of me if she talks about this." 

"I can tell." Chezzy walks in, holding something in his hands, he looks excited about it, he seems to be very interested in the little thing in his hands, cradling it carefully. He walks up to Mason and me and Mason Chuckles as he realizes what Chezzy is carrying. "You showing them the lil guy?" 

I hide that I am uncomfortable being called them, I don't like being called by plural pronouns, but it is better than being called he, I hate that! I look back to Chezzy, who is stoked to show me whatever is in his hands, and nodding at Mason. Chezzy walks up to me, "There is someone I want you to meet!"

I chuckle, oblivious to what he was going to show me. "Who is it?" 

Chezzy opens his hands revealing a little creature, barely the size of my palm, sitting there innocently. "This Is the lil guy I found a week or so ago!" 

My heart melts at the little creatures, they are adorable! A little armless ball creature that seemed to be a light grayish-white, with big innocent eyes. The Creature sits on Chezzy's hands, their curiosity about me showing. "They are adorable! What is Their name?" I say, wagging my tail. 

"I haven't thought of one, but I love him!" Chezzy exclaims, bouncing up and down in pure excitement. Mason seems glad that his boyfriend is so happy, and smiling as well. 

I look at the little creature. It jumps out of Chezzy's hands and lands on my lap, making a small "buh" sound. I pick them up in the hand that Mason is not working on and look at the little creature. They seem so innocent; honestly, I'd do anything to protect them. 

I hold them close and sit there for a moment. They get off my lap and run around Chezzy for a moment, trying to get his attention. Chezzy Picks them up and smiles proudly. "You are lucky you are cute!" 

In response, the little ball just says "Buh!" 

"They are silly fellas aren't they?" I say, my tail swaying softly. Chezzy nods, and Mason keeps working on my arm, trying to restore it as much as possible.

"Very chaotic, but amazing nonetheless,"  Chezzy responds, walks to Mason, and sits by him, the little creature sits by him, and Mason, happily sits there. Chezzy pats The little one's head. 

"I can tell, They seem very reckless." I say, "But they are really cute!" 

Mason finishes, and bandages my wrist, "I suggest that you keep this on, I don't think that people should know about this." 

I nod my head, I don't want people to know about this, and now three people besides myself do. I understand that it happens, but it is still scary. People can find me, and if they know the code… I shake my head and respond," Thanks Mason. I appreciate it." 

"No problem," he says, his voice kindly filling the room. I look back to my wrist, it was taken care of to the best of Mason's ability. I smile at him and wag my tail softly. 

I think to myself for a moment, it might be best if I go off and try to hide. If I don't, who knows what will happen? I might die if I don't hide, then corruption would start… I don't want that to happen, I can't let that happen. I look back to the couple, who are talking about the little Creature, who was on the table sitting innocently. 

The creature looks up to me, and seems to sense my worry, and walks up to me and hugs me with its little legs. I hug them back, and they say "Buh!" trying to comfort me. My heart warms at this little gesture, and I pat their head.

"Thanks, little one," I whisper to the little ball. Chezzy and Mason seem to hear me and smile while seeing the wholesome moment. I look back up to the two, I finally make up my mind what to do. "I think I might go into hiding, I don't want this to happen again."

Chezzy looks bewildered, as well as Mason, but they look for understanding. Chezzy  speaks up, "I understand why you say that, it's stressful being hunted, Is there any way I can help?" Mason nods in agreement with Chezzy. 

I smile at the two, "Thank you, I don't think there is much you can do to help, maybe call me once in a while, but I have no promises that I will pick up."  

Mason nods with a smile, "Yeah, I think we can do that." he says, the bluebells draping over his face move in front of his eye, and he moves them back. Chezzy chuckles as they fall in front of his eye again, and moves it back, in a kind manner. 

Chezzy looks back at me, "Thanks for actually telling me, I hope that it doesn't happen again. If anything happens, call me, alright?" 

I nod, It was a reasonable idea, "As long as you do the same, if anything major happens, text me." He nods, getting the idea. I am glad that we are both on the same page. "Thank you. I don't want this to happen again."

Chezzy nods again, "It's understandable, no pressure on you to stay."  

Mason agrees, "If I was being hunted I'd be hiding as well." I am surprised that Mason is acting so caring,  but he is trying to be a doctor, it makes sense. I am honestly glad that Chezzy has such a sweet boyfriend, but seeing the two together makes me want to be with someone… someone named Teardrop. 

I shake the image of teardrop out of my mind, and speak, " Well thank you, both of you. I'll talk to you soon, I promise." I look at the little creature, who is smiling at me with its little innocent eyes. "Don't be a troublemaker, okay?" 

Chezzy laughs, " I hope he won't, but honestly, who knows?" I smile at Chezzy, who gets a hug from Mason from behind. "Ack! Babe!" 

Mason chuckles his deep voice, enjoying Chezzy's reaction, "Yes darling?" 

Chezzy chuckles, leaning back on Mason, "Did you have to do that?" He says, playing with Mason's bluebells across his face.  

"Yes, yes I did!" Mason says with a smile nuzzling into his face. Chezzy forms a small bush and looks away. This only causes me to feel more single, and I stay quiet for my own good. The two are adorable together and honestly are the most wholesome couple I have ever seen. 

"I think I better go now, but thank you two so much, for all of this, I wish the best for both of you!" I say, as I stand up, I am half leaving because I don't want to feel like a third wheel, the little creature has already taken that place. 

Chezzy smiles and tries to get out of Mason's grip, but untimely can't and falls limp in his arms, "No problem, call me when you have the chance." 

"Will do!" I say and walk out of the apartment, the two wave at me, as I leave. I walk out of the apartment and try to find out where I will go. I can't go into the forest, that is too risky, but so is the city. 

That's when I hear it in the distance, that small inhumane chuckle, I bulk out of the city to the forest, run past the cabin, run past everything I had made, and as deep into the forest as I possibly can, not caring what is happening, I run, and run, as far as I possibly can. Getting flashbacks of when I escaped the center. 

I remember the bomb and the other experiments dying as everything collapsed. The 23 dead scientists on the floor, and the 24th in rage. I knew he already hated stopwatches, but that must have fueled his rage more. His apprentice escaped before she died, no idea where she is now, but I know she is not the one to hurt me. It's Zenophile himself.   

I get to a lake, luckily I am waterproof, and it doesn't affect me too much while I jump in. I swim across the river and go to the other side, the chuckle is gone, but I still go as far as possible, I can not deal with this chuckle. Not again, I don't want to be hurt. 

I get out of the water and gasp for air, I am not the best swimmer, and I know it real well, but as long as that chuckle is far away, who cares! "I am fine, I am alive, nothing is out to kill me," I reassure myself, trying to calm my nerves. I stand up and walk farther into the forest, there is no way I am going to be caught again. After that acidic incident, I don't think I can go out in public anytime soon.