He stood at the threshold of the house, staring at the old wooden door that had once been entryway to a place he called home. The air was thick with memories— memories of his mother's voice. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He had loved his father once. Even after everything, Alexander wanted to believe that deep down, his father still cared for him.
Taking a deep breath, Alexander knocked on the door.
A girl, whom Alexander didn't recognize, opened the door. Her age was around sixteen. What was she doing in his house. His mind was filled with unspoken thoughts.
"Who are you?" She asked, her voice curt but unkind.
He looked at his dirty clothes, it became clear to him that the girl would create a story on her own.
"I am....."
"A beggar, uhh?" Why she was so fast in creating stories.
Both his hands were admiring the beauty of his face. It wasn't so bad, at least he didn't look like beggars. Without waiting for an explanation, she stepped back inside, quickly returning with a small coin and extending it to him.
"Here" she said, pushing it into his hand.
" I need dollar." He demanded.
" I didn't have" she replied.
"Then you should have this." He took five dollars out of his pocket, pushing them into her hand. That was insult, she thought.
" Your coin deserves to be in museum ."
" I am his son." He came to the point.
"I am his daughter." Alexander's heart shattered.
He wanted his father to be everything to him.
He wished his father could be there for him in every way.