Can you imagine the feeling of a rabbit being carried by a cheetah, aware that it could be eaten at any moment, yet unable to escape from its side?
Xia Yinian is experiencing this sensation right now, sitting beside Gu Beicheng, enveloped in a dangerous aura that makes one feel uneasy!
Manager Liu Hui has been rambling on, outlining the performances of their Chaoxing animation over the years, as well as the plans for this year.
Gu Beicheng has maintained a stony expression throughout; without his speaking, everyone remains so silent that they scarcely dare to breathe.
Liu Hui finished his presentation, but Gu Beicheng remains silent. Boss Ye is terrified—is this a sign of satisfaction or dissatisfaction?
Manager Liu looks at him tentatively: "Seventh Young Master, what do you think about these projects for the year? Are you satisfied?"
Gu Beicheng gives no response, and Chi He, sitting next to him, indifferently remarks, "It's getting late."