A barrage of words turned those cops red-faced, and they scattered one by one. Just then, Feng Zhixiao and the others drove up, and Ye Chen's Infiniti was brought to the scene by Feng Zhixiao. Several people jumped out and called out, "Brother Chen, what's the situation here, are these cops not letting people go?"
"My own defense, and to be arrested!" Ye Chen immediately replied.
"Shit, who dares to arrest my Brother Chen!" Liu the Tyrant instantly turned and fetched a Big Chopper from the back of the car, menacingly charging towards the entrance of the police station. The officers at the scene retreated in a flurry; the cops all knew Liu the Tyrant, a river and sea bandit who ranged across three provinces and six cities, and they knew him through and through. With such a character, not only the cops but perhaps even the Armed Police wouldn't dare play with fire.
"Feng Zhixiao, what do you think you're doing!" Fang Qin's brows shot up in anger.