045 Start Not Valuing Martial Virtue

Before getting into the rented luxurious car, the uncle and nephew duo:

Their gestures were exaggerated, voices loud, eyes vacant, speaking in a dialect from the Galaxy with a tinge of coldness, discussing business involving millions in daily transactions.

After getting into the luxurious car with its network connections blocked...

The smile on Yang Ming's face quickly vanished, his gaze turning sharp. He aligned the watch face to the car's system and swiftly pressed a button.

Kolev operated his monocle for a few seconds, scanning for any possible listening devices inside the luxurious car.

As the hover car just left the rental company, the interface on the center console began to change.

A virtual girl in a blue and white striped short dress leaped out from the edge of the fixed screen, energetically greeting:

"Boss, long time no see!"

Lyu successfully took over the luxurious car.