Wu Zhong said, "Is there any doubt, Father was there, Sect Master Peng, who can't be deceived? Not the old man for sure."
While speaking these words, Su Yunjin also looked toward Chen Jie. Chen Jie, having taken a big gulp of water, saw Su Yunjin's inquiring expression and opened his mouth to say, "We haven't set up yet, it doesn't count as officially received, but Yunjin, after going back today, pack up, tomorrow you'll come with me to the county town."
"Ah, to the county."
Worry appeared on Su Yunjin's face. Chen Jie, puzzled, asked, "What's wrong?"
"We don't even have a place to stay in the county ..."
As Su Yunjin spoke, Chen Jie responded, "That can be resolved, we have several silver taels in hand. Let's see how much houses cost in the county town. If not, we'll rent a house first, and once I establish myself in White Tiger Hall, we can buy a house."