38, the most toxic under heaven

Certainly, here's the translated text:

It was no wonder he could get drunk.

This made Lin Yue somewhat envious.

In a way, getting drunk was a joy only mortal commoners could enjoy.

Lin Yue picked up a piece of food to go with the alcohol and couldn't help but frown.

His senses were now too powerful, his taste and smell extremely acute; although the stir-fried intestines were thoroughly cleaned, his powerful sense of taste still detected a hint of off-flavor.

Despite the heavier seasoning, that trace of off-flavor still made him feel a bit nauseated.

This could be considered a cost of his transformation.

Even the maids in the mansion whom Lin Yue thought looked quite nice before, he now found hard to look at.

His vision was so strong, just like Levin Hook, that he could easily see the tiny dirt in people's facial pores, and when the maids smiled, he could see the tartar between their teeth.