Chapter 174: The Motive for the Crime, a Tool to Deepen Affection


Tokyo, in a private residence in the Hirakawa District.

"Done, killing two little flies will crush the truth, but kill a County Councilor and a Police Director General, huh, I don't believe you can keep it quiet."

The white-skinned youth hung up the phone, toying with a recording pen in his hand, a cold smile spreading across his face.

They had never intended to take the money; they wanted the lives of Aoyama Sosuke and Renping Kuniaki.

The reason they asked for a hundred million was to lure the two men in, and that money would also serve as one of the pieces of evidence of their corruption, after all, which clean official could come up with a hundred million in one day?

Even if the two didn't admit to their crimes, with that hundred million in cash and the recent phone recording, their true faces would be laid bare.

"Let me go, please let me go, oh heroes, I have nothing to do with this!" the bearded man begged, crying out.