"Whenever you mention the police, I just suddenly remember my father is at the Police Headquarters, and I could tell him about what happened to you. He would definitely want to uphold justice!"
Hattori Aozaki said loudly, his face flushed with excitement.
"Shinichi, Mr. Aozaki's father is the Police Chief?" Cang Jindie widened her beautiful eyes, then smiled and added, "No wonder Mr. Aozaki is so outstanding."
Aozaki was both proud of his father's position and embarrassed by the praise from the woman he liked. Scratching his head, he said, "Not really."
"But we shouldn't bother your uncle," Cang Jindie remembered Nakamura Shinichi's instructions and knew she couldn't involve Police Chief Hattori at this stage; he'd see right through their ruse.
Aozaki looked puzzled, "Why?"
To him, if Yellow Hair had broken the law and his father was a policeman, then the obvious step was to report it and let the law deal with Yellow Hair's criminal actions.