"What are you taking leave for?"
"To recover from an illness."
"I'm not approving it."
"Why?" Su Wanyu was indignant.
Lu Liang replied impatiently, "You teach with your mouth and hands, and maybe use a little bit of your brain. What does that have to do with your injured foot?"
"How is it only using a little bit of my brain?"
Su Wanyu frowned, muttering, "But still, it's not really appropriate."
She was Lu Liang's foreign teacher and also considered a semi-employee. Having an office romance was not a good look for the boss.
"If you're thinking so much about my reputation, maybe you could teach at my house?"
Lu Liang couldn't help but smirk, enjoying tousling Su Wanyu's hair, which made her screech in protest.
Perhaps it was the slight natural curl—which at one time earned her the nickname 'Curly'—that made him harbor a bizarre resentment towards long, straight hair.