[free document] Publicly Available Intelligence - Historical Chronology (1945-1956, Supplementary Archive)

On August 15, 1945, East Island Country surrendered unconditionally, signaling the end of World War II.

Following this was a national famine and the Allied Island Commander GHQ's rule over the entire territory of East Island Country,

October 11, 1945

Mass disappearances occurred in many areas of East Island, but due to the dire post-war situation, rumors of the US military conducting human experiments surfaced frequently, leading to brief protest activities nationwide.

December 28, 1945

High-ranking officers of GHQ, including ██.██, disappeared, with a total of 1/6 of the stationed US troops missing.

The Allied Island Commander convened an emergency meeting with all high-ranking officers, and more than 3/4 agreed to a full withdrawal, but this resolution was vetoed by the allied countries, which demanded GHQ remain in place and conduct a full investigation into the disappearances.

January 3, 1946

Health and research units from various countries arrived in the Capital City of East Island to collaborate with GHQ in investigating the local situation.

June 13, 1946

GHQ reported to the world that over 1/3 of the population of East Island, including the later investigative personnel from various countries, had disappeared.

The United Nations declared this a "historic event posing a threat to the human race," and considering the potential contagious nature of the 'disappearance', banned anyone who had set foot on the territory of East Island Country from leaving.

*All fugitives discovered will be immediately dealt with.

April 20, 1947

GHQ broadcasted its last message to the outside world, "Please never set foot on this nation cursed by war," and from then on, all contact with East Island was completely severed.

April 30, 1947

Su Country pilot ██.███ took off from the Mariana Islands in a small reconnaissance aircraft for aerial reconnaissance of East Island's current situation. The plane lost contact one hour after entering the territory of East Island Country, and no signs of life were detected in the information transmitted back before the disconnection.

May 1, 1947

The United Nations urgently convened a meeting and unanimously passed the "Convention on the Permanent Lockdown of East Island." Simultaneously, scientists and architects from multiple countries arrived at the United Nations to develop a lockdown plan based on the limited information provided by GHQ.

The following day, the "Roof Project (Draft)" was successfully drawn up.

May 5, 1947

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council, along with several signatory countries, organized construction personnel to head to the coastline of East Island according to the lockdown plan, carrying out the "Roof Project."

July 16, 1951

The "Roof Project" was completed, and East Island and its surrounding islands were fully enclosed within an insulating barrier, a feat hailed as a "World Wonder." The United Nations and capitals of various countries erected monuments to honor the magnificent humans who gave their lives for the Roof Project.

Since then, the 'disappearance incident' has never spread beyond the territory of East Island Country.

November 1951

Following the perfect execution of the "Roof Project," the entirety of East Island was put under complete lockdown, forbidding entry to all outsiders.

The global situation stabilized, and the Cold War began.

However, as the two superpowers went on with their related activities around the world, they also turned their attention in secret to the lost nation, clandestinely organizing expeditions with explorers and scientists who were willing to sacrifice themselves and had a strong interest in East Island.

June 8, 1956

A nine-person university expedition team led by Su Country explorer Igor Diyatlo, originally planned for an expedition to the Ural Mountains, was instead called upon by the nation by a twist of fate to head to East Island.

They became the first exploration team to survive successfully for over a month in the region of East Island, and relayed important intelligence back to their home country.

This intelligence directly impacted the entire development plan of Su Country, shifting the strategic focus and decisively abandoning most Cold War plans in favor of rerouting a significant amount of resources for exploration of East Island.

The Cold War landscape was altered, and the timeline of the world shifted.