A pink sports sedan, expensive and painted with anime graphics, pulled up in front of the hospital.
Because there were many people coming and going, it was hard to miss.
Yu Ze had to try his best to cover his face as he quickly jogged and hopped into the passenger seat, his face clearly showing his disdain.
The driver was a junior from the Capital, also with the Capital Investigation Bureau, even younger than him, and still a minor.
With a slam on the gas pedal, they used expert driving skills and dynamic vision to perfectly dodge the traffic, taking a special route out of Mingwang City.
Once on the outskirts with wide open roads and sparse traffic, the joy of manual driving lost its luster; the junior immediately switched to autopilot, and the rest of the trip was now handled by the system.
Their seats reclined backwards into the chassis to maximize cabin space, and down came the projection screen—
the entire cabin transformed into a private cinema.