158. Private Military Company

Dawn's first light lifted the night's gossamer veil, revealing a brilliant morning glow.

Lu Li felt an itch in his neck and brushed away a few strands of long hair.

Yang Ma was sleeping next to him, her face etched with fatigue, and even in her sleep, her arms were tightly crossed over her chest.

Psychologically, it is believed that people who sleep this way lack a sense of security.

Considering the kind of mother she had, it was to be expected.

Two hours earlier, around 4:00 AM, the sound of intense discussions had emanated from the room next door.

It seemed that the competitor ranked second had declared that if elected, he would reduce the value-added tax from 15% to 8% and double the pension.

As a result, his approval rating had surged, already surpassing 30%.

In contrast, Lady Maria's platform of fighting crime and corruption were old hat— the public had long since lost interest.

With the tide turning, the situation was becoming urgent.