Zhou Xuan counted on his fingers one by one and said, "Mr. Dai sent himself to his death and had meticulously planned this self-sacrifice in advance; that is true. The Maitreya Buddha of the Corridor River is a fake Buddha; that is also true. There's something very eerie under the opera stage, truly bizarre beyond belief, with all the bones unearthed."
"Which part isn't true?" Yu Jia asked.
"The suicide ritual of Mr. Dai... it could have been any ritual, but it certainly was not a 'faith' enlightenment blood sacrifice. His death is related to the six corpses from the ghost opera."
Zhou Xuan had seen the filth, knowing it was the laughter of the six corpses that initiated the death feast of Mr. Dai.
The laughter of the six corpses was like a horn, and after the laugh, hundreds of the one-eyed villagers from the Corridor River received the order and rushed to feast on Mr. Dai.
He believed that he was the only one who actually witnessed this scene.