In the old man's astonished look, Xia Feng's body ignited with a pale flame, quickly unfurling into a pair of majestic, holy white fire wings constructed from tumultuous flames.
The fire's hum purged the air, and the tranquil forest rustled with the sound, as the man dressed in a pure white tailcoat slowly ascended.
"Is this my... Vermilion Bird Demon Armor?" the old man gaped, slowly tilting his head back.
Although the connection with the Spiritual Artifact was severed, he could still distinctly feel that as the armor's flames turned from crimson to holy white, the entire quality of the Demon Armor seemed to have been sublimated.
Even more so, he had an inexplicable sensation that the leaping, exuberant flames of the Vermilion Bird Demon Armor were rejoicing, excited, delighted for the strength of their new master!
"See clearly, this is how your Spiritual Artifact should be used."