Dertulian was defeated.
As he saw flames descending from the sky, his entire spirit shook with terror.
The immense Dragon Flame fell upon the earth, and the cries of the people of Logos resonated instantly. The land was blanketed with ash in a blink, the flames making no distinction between slave and soldier. The Giant Dragon Aus intended to bring destruction upon these people of Logos.
The raging fires spread over the bodies of the people of Logos, rendering the entire city-state a sea of flames. Wails of anguish and cries of sorrow rose along with the panicked fleeing, as the people of Logos frantically moved closer to the sea and jumped into the waters.
Dertulian watched the terrifying Dragon Flame engulf the earth. The Giant Dragon Aus let out a victorious roar as the spear in his hand trembled uncontrollably. He had never seen a beast like it.
It was like... the end of days, compelling one to prostrate themselves.