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Chapter 69: God is Not Moral

Facing Dertulian's silence, those judging him revealed victorious expressions.

King Yarlessto, who sat on the King's Throne, was also watching the silent Dertulian, though no one could see the King's expression.

What the crowd could see was that Dertulian had fallen into a trap.

Bolan stared at Dertulian, his accusations severe, as he had anticipated.

No matter how Dertulian defended himself, Bolan was confident in his ability to refute each point.

"You are right, I have violated morality."

After a long while, Dertulian spoke.

The crowd was taken aback, suspecting he would have a more vigorous objection, but Dertulian remained silent.

He stood in the center of the palace, as if accepting the crowd's verdict.

"You did not only violate morality, you also sought to kill morality.

God granted the Logos people reason, and they used this divine reason to construct morality.

Thus, to kill morality is to kill the reason bestowed by God.

This is doubtlessly blasphemy.