The God of Mountains and Craftsmanship, Hiris, was a star that had awakened its self-consciousness later than the others. At the moment, He gazed at the world beyond the Celestial Kingdom.
After the Country of Divines was completed, Hiris yearned to create a wise race that revered the mountains, mined ore, and swung hammers to forge divine weapons.
Within the Celestial Kingdom, quite a few divine beings created races rather carelessly, even on a whim, fueled by enthusiasm, and with a burst of imagination, they simply fashioned races out of the earth.
Such races were not only incredibly fragile, unable to withstand natural disasters, but also lacked the necessary survival skills. Even if the divine beings put in great effort, these races would still perish of thirst or starvation on the land.
Over three thousand years, who knew how many races created by divine beings hadn't even formed tribes before they vanished in the river of time.