Chapter 45 Hmm Hmm

Shao Shuangshuang looked around the empty room, stunned:

"How did he know I'm losing hair?"

Recently, every time she washed her hair, Shao Shuangshuang would lose over a hundred strands, the tangled mass in the basin looking horrifying, and she feared she was going bald.

She knew that relaxing and relieving stress could prevent hair loss, but every time she washed her hair and saw so much hair fall out, her heart would race, stressing her out more, leading to more hair loss in a vicious cycle with no solution.

Shao Shuangshuang recalled how during each family New Year gathering, everyone would sit around a table, winter sunshine beaming in, and the reflected light from the table made everyone's bald heads gleam like gold.

Her grandfather was bald, her great uncle was bald, her second uncle was bald, her father was bald, and her cousin was bald too—Shao Shuangshuang often wondered, what were the odds she'd go bald?