Looking at the scene before him, where warblers and swallows surrounded his twelve elder sisters and his wedded wife, as well as a farewell letter left by the departing Xiao Xuan'er, Xu Shu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.
Why is that?
This legend, this Sword Qi frenzy, wasn't it supposed to be turned into a leveled-up-game, forcefully turned into butter by my own hands?
What's the meaning of springing this on me all of a sudden?
Could it be some kind of masochistic love thing?
Who the hell makes an R18 game about masochistic love?
"You're acting strange..."
"Wait, could it be that she's actually the type who needs me to force myself on her? Have I been respecting her wishes too much, making her sad? That's possible, last night when she said she wanted to observe, maybe it was a hint that she wanted to join? It's possible, alas, missed opportunities."
Xu Shu caressed the Tai Chu Scroll, continuing to compose his legend:
[? You're acting strange.]