"Mother Goddess, damn it! Keep your Believers in line!"
Xu Shu didn't dare to challenge the possibly non-existent Life Mother God.
But with a great enemy before him, there was no time for idle pleasures.
Moreover, although the mother retained some charm despite her advancing years, her skin was lackluster, her cheeks sagged, and her breasts had drooped.
Xu Shu, who according to legend possessed innumerable delicate beauty paper doll wives, had become quite fastidious in his tastes and couldn't care less about her. Perhaps Gu Pan in drag could barely catch his eye.
Most importantly, this was all happening in public—if you have no shame, that's on you, but I do!
"Move, move, move, get out of the way."
Xu Shu pushed aside the ignorant woman and stepped outside to signal Gu Pan, calling her back.
"What's up? Aren't we lying in ambush anymore?"
Wasn't there still an Unclean monster fused with a Demon, and wasn't the Primordial Spirit also on its way here?