Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!
Xu Shu swiftly, without any trace of pity, pulled out the steel reinforcement embedded in Gu Pan, blood and flesh clinging to it.
"Ah~ Ooh~"
A tearing pain caused Gu Pan to cry out involuntarily.
She saw blood spurting from her wound like water from a tap.
She instantly regretted it.
She must have been out of her mind to leave it embedded; at least she could have lasted another ten minutes.
Now look at it.
She had only five minutes left to live.
And it hurt like hell.
What a sin!
"Well, at least I can die lying down, not too bad... Ah, can you turn me over?"
Gu Pan pleaded pitifully as she lay on the ground.
Xu Shu picked her up and leaned her against the wall.
Looking at the grotesquely bleeding holes in her chest, abdomen, and waist, he could see her organs moving inside.
"Huh? This is..."
Xu Shu furrowed his brows, hesitating for a moment.
In the end, he clenched his fist, reached out, and pressed hard on her heart, rubbing back and forth.