The nonsensical words had barely left his lips when the young man with the Black Umbrella's complexion immediately grew cold, "We could have become friends, but since you're unwilling to speak, I'll have to take it myself..."
Before he could finish, Li Yelai turned and ran, but Black Umbrella did not pursue him. Instead, he stiffened and looked around.
At the end of the alley, a person dressed in a panda Doll suit holding a sign had already come up beside Li Yelai.
East City Branch, Processor 'Doll'
At the other end of the alley, a handsome man armed with a shield and a long halberd suddenly appeared.
East City Branch, Captain of the Fourth Team 'Moon Shadow'
And above the houses in the alley, a muscular man with his torso bare was looking down at the young man with the Black Umbrella from the edge of the rooftop.
East City Branch, Captain of the Third Team 'Melting Furnace'
And more seasoned Processors arrived in the vicinity, forming a Circle of encirclement.