The great being sharply sensed something amiss, as if something "dirty" had come aboard his ark?
Although that feeling vanished in an instant, he still directed his gaze toward the hall.
The last time he had this sensation was because the ark was captured by a black hole in the Void Realm.
This time, he had to be fully prepared and carefully investigate, to prevent any accidents from occurring on the ark.
As a result, several passengers and spokespeople in the ship's hall, mysterious in origin and terrifying in power, simultaneously turned around or stiffened.
They too were unclear about what had happened, but could feel the great being's scrutiny and the faint wariness.
This left them somewhat perplexed. They didn't know why this being had suddenly become cautious towards them.
It wasn't surprising for the great being—the Hunter's caution was naturally directed towards lions, not a mere white rabbit.