From He Xi Prefecture, following the Ma Wang Mountains eastward, taking a boat southward and entering the Qujiang river system from the Wei River, straight to the docks outside the west city gate of Kyoto Prefecture.
It took Chen Ke half a month to return to Kyoto Prefecture.
As if the cold winter followed him, the chill capable of freezing a person to death at Wuliang Mountain also swept through Kyoto Prefecture at this time.
The difference was that the vitality here was much more vigorous.
Like the dockworkers, who, despite the severe cold, were still thinly dressed, capable of shouldering two hundred-pound burlap sacks with ease, their sweat steaming off them, dispelling the chill.
Yet many more, draped in thick cotton padded clothing, with fur felt hats on their heads and hands crossed and tucked into their sleeves, went from street to alley.