A Generator

"Angela'd told me I'm a generator," I say, wanting to have a different question answered. "Does that mean anything to you?"

Brooke flinches at the question, refusing to look at me, and her voice is soft when she answers. "Only what I learned about the creation of our realm. The six pillars that chose to create a new world for us, used the generators to bolster their power, and split off a chunk of reality for them to use. It's said that all the generators died in the process, or were killed afterwards, and no others have come to be since. Except for you."

No wonder TanaVesta was so anxious to have me. If she could build her power enough to challenge the other pillars, at my expense, and take over everything. . . .

"Why were the generators killed?" I ask, somehow feeling insulted, as if they had been close family that'd been murdered.

"With the power they could create, they were deemed too dangerous. If humans found a way to capture some and tap their power, they could have come to our world to continue their relentless war against us." The way she talks, makes me wonder whose side she's on. Sure, she's a mermaid and been raised and trained as an assassin, but she'd spent a couple decades living my world also.

"TanaVesta means to kill the other pillars," I say, knowing that they should somehow be warned. There are more important things than ancient history, right now. That is, unless history repeats itself. "Can you get word to them? She was meeting with two pillars when you'd rescued me. I think she meant to kill one or both at that meeting."

The mermaid is shocked at my words.

"She can't! They're called Pillars for a reason. Our world might survive if only one or two were to die, but if there were any less to hold up our portion of reality. . . . It'd collapse and every creature from my world would either be destroyed, or thrust back onto Earth. The chaos would be horrible. So many lives on both sides would be lost. I can't believe even SHE would want that!"

"Can you get word out about her plans?" I ask, seriously.

"I—maybe. I can't go to Varun directly, but if I can find someone to pass on the warning, then maybe. The real problem will be getting someone to listen to me." She suddenly grows hesitant. "I'm in rather bad standing with my kind, but I may still have a few friends that won't. . . ." she finishes quietly.

Feeling for her pain, I reach out and grip her hands. "What happened to you, Brooke? Why are you in so much trouble with Varun and the other mermaids?"

You'd think I was a dangerous viper the way she pulls back from me.

"If I'm to get that warning out, I'd better start now. Will you take me to the surface, so I can get out? Hopefully I won't be gone long, and I'll return, but if what you say is true, and I don't doubt you, then I need to get the warning out as soon as possible." From hesitation, to can't get away from me quick enough. Man, am I ever having quite the effect on women today!

I know she's changing the subject, and while my mind cries out to force the answer from her, my fractured heart speaks more gently. She'll tell me if and when she's ready.

For the first time I look out the windshield and notice that we're not driving on the sea floor, but swimming through it like a submarine. Even this small glance sets my heart pounding, and I feel blackness begin to creep in around my vision. I can almost taste the salty water as it tries to crawl down my throat.

No, dammit! I swear inwardly. I'm safe and sound. This car was built by mythical creatures and can do magical things.

Okay, so maybe that last bit doesn't help my mundane raised mind much. Glancing at my childhood friend, the mermaid assassin, I feel my resolve strengthen, and the feeling of slowly drowning recedes.

Taking hold of the steering wheel, I don't know what to do or say to make the Orange Bubble surface. Thankfully it reads my thoughts, and I feel us begin to rise.

When the car breaches the water, I can see what can only be the Straits of Gibraltar in the distance. How fast are we moving to be here already? I think about how many hours it must have taken my car to drive through the U.S. to the East coast, then across the Atlantic, and know that I'll likely be home before the next morning. Especially since I'm traveling with the sun.

Brooke doesn't say anything as she opens her door, and jumps into the water. The door closes on its own. All by myself, my thoughts turn back to Angela. Crazy as it seems, it almost feels as if I can feel her presence. Likely because she's the one that had repaired my car.

My mind plays over what Brooke had said about the price Angela must have paid to get the Cyclopes to work on my mundane car, as it dives back under the water, and I wait for the mermaid's return.

And wait.

I turn on the radio, even though I know I can't pick up any stations, and just listen to the static. I wake up as my car pulls up onto a beach, and my radio comes to life. People stare at the Orange Bubble as it come up on shore, and I wonder what they must be thinking, or how it must look to them.

"—playing only the best hits from the nineties and today on this lovely Sunday afternoon." I turn off the radio, stunned to realize how short a time has passed. Or is it Sunday of the next week?

I have my car stop off at a gas station to grab a bite to eat. Thankfully I find an old gym outfit tucked under the passenger seat. I don't remember the last time I've eaten, but the chips and gas station fare tastes wonderful as it goes down my gullet.

The rest of the drive across country is a blur, as I let my car have its way. Either no police are along the route, or they don't notice my car. It's probably the later, considering how Angela had driven through the city. The drive only takes a couple hours.

As the Orange Bubble pulls up to my apartment complex, two things occur to me. Becky's car is still parked out front, and Brooke has abandoned me as well.

The lead rock in my chest weighs me down as I head to the elevator.

I stop for only a couple seconds to stare at Brooke's door. I know I shouldn't, but I knock anyway and am not surprised when there's no answer.

I'm greeted very warmly by two pretty women, Becky and Lisa, as I enter my apartment.

"What are you two still doing here?" I ask, trying not to sound angry, but my heart hurts too much to sound happy.

"Twice now, you've had sex with one or both of us and vanished right after!" Lisa accuses me.

"At least this time you left a note," Becky chimes in. "You told us to make ourselves at home, so we did."

In actuality, I'd told them I didn't know how long I'd be gone and to use whatever they needed from my apartment while I was gone.

"I don't understand why you always leave so quickly afterwards," Becky says worriedly.

"Yeah, it's not like you have a wife or girlfriend to get back to," Lisa says. "We can tell that just by seeing your apartment."

I barely even notice that my place is immaculate. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a slob, but I am a single guy.

"He does now," Becky pipes up, a tremulous smile spreading across her face as she takes one of my hands.

Or was single.

Well, I think, why the hell not. These two seem to want to stick around for the time being, and I really can't complain about either one. Both are pretty enough, Becky with her short petite body, and Lisa with her more forward attitude and athletic body. Yeah, I could definitely do a lot worse.

Like a succubus and mermaid that would rather abandon me than stay with me when I need their help.

"Absolutely," I force a smile as I bend down and kiss the brunette softly.