
Birds chirping are the first sounds to penetrate my consciousness, and drag me from a terrible dream of being chased by ten foot ants, waiving their antennae at me, and trying to get me to stay for a BBQ.

"'Bout time you woke up," Jennifer says, and I look over to see her lounging in a wicker chair, sipping from a steaming cup of something that smells deliciously like coffee.

"Got another one of those?" I murmur as I groggily sit up. She goes to the attached kitchen, and pours me a cup. I realize that there's no electricity in this place, and know that the coffee must have been made over the wood stove.

"Now start talking," she tells me as I take my first sip, burning the tip of my tongue on the bitter brew.

"It won't be easy to believe," I tell her, but the look she gives me says I'd better get yapping. I tell her about how I'd somehow seen Angela in my office, and everything since then, glossing over the sex, but otherwise giving it to her straight.

"A generator?" she asks when I get to the part of the story where TanaVesta held me captive. "So you can stick a light bulb in your mouth and make it light up, like Uncle Fester?"

"Not quite," I chuckle as I finally feel the effects of the coffee kicking in. "Somehow I draw in energy from someone, magnify it, and then return it."

"You draw in energy from someone? How?" I can tell she understands that question just about as well as I do.

I've been trying to avoid this, but decide that she deserves complete honesty after saving my life last night.

"Sex. Through orgasms, to be more precise." The look she gives me is enough to know that she doesn't believe a wink of it. "I'm not trying to make fun of you, I swear."

"So what about all this stuff you say you can do? Move really fast, or what did you call it? Super-speed? Changing your clothes? Do something like that."

I try to give her the same look she'd given me, but it just bounces off her tough exterior. "I can't," I admit. "I'm worn out and exhausted. I used up too much last night, and haven't been able to recharge, so to speak. I haven't even eaten since lunch yesterday."

"If that's your way of getting into my knickers, it's not working. As for food, I had a whole cart-full, and someone went and got that destroyed."

"Look, I thank you for saving my life, but I'd probably better get going. No telling when another assassin might come for me," I tell her as I start to stand.

"Not happening," she tells me while standing up to block me, and the strength of her grip on my shoulder, coupled with the fact of how easily she holds me down, causes me to give up. "I already used your phone to call in to work. I told your bitch of a boss that you were sick and pretended to be your girlfriend."

OUCH! Sheila's not likely to like that! On the plus side, I guess my phone is working fine.

"You didn't tell me your apartment burned down." Her tone has turned accusing, as she sits back in her chair.

"The fire ant," I tell her, and she nods.

"So, if I have this straight, you're some sort of supernatural being that magically creates power. Your best friends are a succubus and a mermaid, and there's a god-like dragon that's out to kill you. That sound about right?"

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds crazy," I reply defensively. "Besides, you left out my debonair charm and good looks."

She laughs at my joke, but it's soon swallowed by an uncomfortable silence.

"Look, Jennifer, I don't want you to be in any more danger. You saved my hide last night, you're tougher than you look, but I still count you as a friend and don't want you getting hurt."

"Ha!" she snorts back at me. "That's what your email said. You don't want to hurt me. Well, did you ever stop to consider how I feel?"

"Um. . . what?" I ask, thoroughly confused. Of course I had thought about her feelings. How else would I have been concerned about them?

"I know I'm no spring chicken," she says, only deepening my confusion, "but I'm still a woman at heart. I guess there's no use hiding the fact that I've liked you for quite some time. It hurt when I thought you were playing a joke on me. No, I know you weren't, now. Alright, I know I'm not exactly your dream girl, or anyone's for that matter. I'll help you out when I can and expect nothing in return. Why are you laughing? Lyden? Don't you dare! Zip your pants back up! Lyden, stop! Holy fuck, that thing is huge."

I slowly walk over to the large woman, my cock hanging between my legs.

"I don't know what you think you're doing, Mr. Snow, but—"

"Oh, I'm Mr. Snow again? I could have sworn you'd said you would help me out when you could." My voice is calm and even as I talk to her. I notice her eyes are locked onto my manhood as I speak. Like a snake before a snake charmer, my animal starts to rise under her gaze. "I'm pretty weak after last night and could use a recharge."

"I'm not that type of girl," she insists, but ruins it by licking her lips afterwards.

"I know you're a virgin," I say soothingly, and stop while directly in front of her, "and I won't take that from you if you don't want me to. All I need to do is please you."

"Please me?" Her voice has taken on an almost dreamy quality.

"Yes," I whisper, reaching out and running my hand along her cheek.

"I've never. . . . I mean, it's so. . . . But. . . . If you're sure this will help you," she finally capitulates, and I guide her mouth towards my engorged cock. Her tongue tentatively pokes out, and when the tip contacts the sensitive underside on the head, I make it jump, startling her. "Did I make it do that?" Somehow this new innocent side to this woman that has always been so blunt and crass is turning me on.

"You did," I lie to her, and feel warmer inside at the smile she gives me.

Her right hand comes up, grips the base of my cock, and gives it a few firm squeezes, as if to assure herself that it's there.

Panic suddenly flares in her blue eyes, and she rips her hand away, as if burned.

"No, this will turn out badly. It'll become some joke to you, which you'll laugh about with your friends. Talking about the big beached whale you fu—"

My mouth pressed to her lips silences her protestations, and while she remains tense for a few extra moments, she finally and completely surrenders.

"No jokes," I whisper, breaking the kiss. "No one to barge in and make fun of you. This morning it will just be me and you. If you never want anyone to hear about this, then fine. I promise that I'll not make fun of you for doing this for me." Turning it around, to make it seem like a favor to me, seems to do the trick, and her arms dart up to pull my face back down to hers.

"Just remember, that if I end up regretting this, I have quite the personal arsenal at home, and I know how to find you." With that threat in my ears, our lips meet once again, and I'm reminded of what a phenomenal kisser she is. Her tongue licks along my lips, enticing mine out to meet it, only for hers to dodge back behind her teeth. After teasing me like this for a bit, I finally catch her tongue by sucking it into my mouth, and wrestling with it between my teeth.

My hands aren't idle either, as I have them at first on her cheeks, but let them fall, down across her shoulders, her thick arms, and then to her waist. Finding the hem of her shirt, I slowly begin to lift it up, but her hands stop me.

"No. You don't need to see that," she tells me, but I'm not willing to listen, and keep tugging, while bringing my lips back to her talented mouth. After a few seconds, when it becomes obvious I'm not going to give up on getting her shirt off, she sighs, and I quickly get it up over her giant breasts.

Breaking the kiss, I reach into the right cup of her bra, pull out the hidden bounty, and marvel at her flesh. Her areolas are the perfect size for her bosom, and it might be my color-blindness, but they blend in well with the surrounding skin. Her nipple is large and taut, just begging to be sucked.

Well, who am I to argue with such begging? Dropping my face to her bazongas, I latch onto the rubbery teat, and relish the way the rest of her breast conforms to my face. They're soft and warm, and if I could actually breathe while suckling her flesh, I'd want to live here forever. Her boobs are actually bigger than my head! They even put TanaVesta's to shame.

Her hips gyrate beneath me as I press her harder into the chair, and I can hear her moaning as I come up for air. My hands reach under her, and for once it only takes me a couple attempts to get her over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder unclasped. Her shirt and bra come off in one fluid motion, and I mash my lips back to hers, as my hands reach between us, to start pulling down my pants. It doesn't take long before I'm only in my socks, and working on her pants and then we're both naked.

Moving my mouth to her other tit, I allow my fingers to explore her sex, and am pleasantly surprised by how wet she already is. It takes me a second to work in even one finger though, as she's so tight. I remember that she's still a virgin, and back off for just a second.

"I'm not trying to stop, but you're still a virgin. I don't want to hurt you, but if we continue—" I attempt to be a considerate lover, but she's not having it.

"If you stop now and don't fuck the shit out of my little pussy, I'm going to make your life a living hell." The lust in her eyes, and the need I can feel pouring from her soul lends credence to her desires, and I don't even think about arguing.

Returning to our kiss and her skilled tongue, I grab the base of my phallic instrument, and start rubbing the head against her vulva. Between how wet she already is, and my own precum, I soon have her entire slit lubricated. I know my cock will conform to her tight hole, so I'm not too worried about loosening her up first, but I know that it'll still hurt when I punch past her hymen.

I concentrate my movements around her clit until she has to break the kiss from moaning so hard. As soon as I feel her energy flood into me from her orgasm, I realign my rod, and shove hard into her. Her hips jump up to meet my thrust, and her hymen snaps like a cannon ball hitting a piece of paper.

Her fingers dig into my back, and despite my cock changing to fit her cunt, she's still incredibly tight as her inner muscles spasm and squirm around my intruding length. I'm not even fully ensconced within her, but I hold still waiting for her to get accustomed to the new invasion. I'd be worried about the pain I've caused her, if not for the energy still transferring into me from her orgasm.

"Oh, fuck, that was intense," she says after a few moments, and I know that's my cue to continue.

Slowly I begin to pull out, and it feels like her coochy is trying to hold me in, it's so small. When only my head is still inside her, I look her in her beautiful blue eyes, and inform her, "It only gets better."

She opens her mouth to respond, but I drive my hips forward, and smile as her eyes roll back, and I hit bottom. I refuse to let up though, and grab one of her giant breasts (do they even have a cup-size for assets this large?), and guide the nipple to my lips. Our hips meet and smack against each other, my cock making a wet sloppy sound as I pump in and out of her at a rapid pace. Her grunts turn to moans, and back to grunts again, as I relentlessly stab her pussy.

With renewed energy, I'm able to pull back, and lift the hefty woman into my arms, surprising a gasp from her. Walking us over to the couch, I gently set her down, and continue to screw into her tight hole.

Every time I start to get tired from my exertions, she cums and vigor pours into me, renewing my stamina. I lose track of how many orgasms she has, but when mine finally arrives, hickeys cover her breasts, and it feels like I deposit a gallon of semen within her womb.

My head droops to her soft bosom, and I fall asleep, still comfortable within the security guard's soaked and leaking pussy.

When I wake up, there is a different woman under me.