Something Else

Eight hours later, and innumerable interrogations, I find myself back out on the front steps of the police station. They finally bought my story that someone must have stolen my car after starting the complex on fire. The fire had burned too hot to know where it'd started, but they do know it'd started somewhere on my floor.

To my horror, I find out that twelve people died in the fire, and thirty others were injured. They'd found my car in the grocery store parking lot where it'd been burned, and gunshots had been heard. I'd become their primary suspect, but I have an alibi and a witness. Thank goodness for Jennifer. She'd held up like a champ as they talked to her. They'd released her a few hours before, and when I call her as they finally release me, she doesn't answer.

Since I've missed a few calls from Lisa and Becky, I call them up next. Becky is out the door and on her way to get me before I even hang up.