
"Okay, now how do you propose I do that?" I ask. I know she didn't say exactly how she'd reward me, but she did promise no tricks. "I have no intention of replacing you on that orb, and it's not like you and it will fit in my pocket."

From out of nowhere, she produces a minuscule blade. Well, miniscule compared to me. For her, it looks like more of a short sword.

"You said you're a generator, right?" She waits for my nod before continuing. "So you can heal me?"

"Yeah, but—" I try to protest, but she cuts me short.

"I'll cut off my hand, you heal me and we get away." Her words make sense, but she doesn't know what she's asking for.

"It doesn't work like that!" I hurriedly say, as she raises her left hand to lop off the right one. Thankfully she stops and looks at me, an annoyed expression painted across her cute little features. "The only way I can heal is through sex. I can't just send the energy to you."