Crying Amazon

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on Angela, picturing her as the Amazon again, with a thick bow staff in her hands, a blade poking out of each end, and a sword on her back. A tiger-skin toga wraps around her firm body. Opening my eyes, I see my imagination standing before me.

"One of these days, I'm going to take you in this form, and see how much of a fantasy this really is for you." She grins down at me from her new taller height, and I just grin back up at her.

"Hand me that sword on your back," I tell her, "and let's see what this fantasy can do."

She hands me the blade, and a wicked gleam enters her eyes. "Don't fall too far behind, puny man, or that sword will fade away. Whoever scares the most wins. If I win, I get to fuck you like this. You win, and maybe I'll tell you what Marchosias and I talked about while you were playing with your fairy girlfriend." The way she adds that last part, lets me know that she's forgiven me for helping Areth.