
The mermaid seems to think this over for a bit, before replying. "Every day it becomes more dangerous here. Varun has grown more and more paranoid. I will never advance as a guard, and there is no place for me here." She looks around nervously, and I'm surprised she ignores the Grindylow. I don't miss her leaving out the 'Lord' before saying the Pillar of Water's name. "Females are in the most danger. Any slight mistake and we're thrown in one of these cells. Even after Brooke rescued our Lord from the Pillar of Fire, he refuses to trust any mermaids."

Thinking back, I realize that most of the creatures down here that I could recognize the gender of, have been female. With Ondine ordered to come back and face her captain, I don't blame her for wanting to get away when she has the chance. Hearing Brooke's name, though, sends a bolt of electricity through my system, and it takes all of my effort not to demand to know where my childhood friend is being kept.