Visual Bliss

"Sonnuva. . . ." I curse, as I crank the wheel to the left—should I call it port since I'm in the water?— and mash down on the gas. A shocked looked merman gets pressed against the driver's side window, and I crank the wheel the other way, scaring away a merman that had been about to jab my car with his trident. As I swerve and bob, I notice that there are no mermaids amongst them, only males. Part of me wishes to see the arrogant captain we'd dealt with earlier, but if he's in the mix, I can't tell.

I see the ground coming up to meet the surface of the water and remember that the portal is actually just above the beach. I'm going to have to get a running jump at it, and hope my aim is right.

Of course, I can't do it, unless I can drive straight, but I'm afraid the mermen will tear my car, and by connection, Angela, apart, if I stop swerving.