Sleep Means Death

I spin around to argue that she is beautiful too, but she places a finger against my lips before I get the chance.

"I know what you're going to say. That night in the club when we met, you made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, and you've made me feel that way ever since, until tonight. No, I know it wasn't your fault, and quite frankly I need to realize that it was a great fantasy, but it's over now. I—"

This time it's my finger over her lips, as I cut her off. "Not another word about how you're not good enough, understand?" My voice is full of steel, as I try to make sure she's listening.

"Really? You have two mermaids, that both know how to fight. You have a succubus that can become whatever you dream her up to be. You have a fairy, that is apparently quite powerful magically, and even Lisa can kick some serious ass." She stares me in the eyes for a second, her deep brown meeting my steely gray. "Tell me what I have that even comes close."