Getting weapons

I waste no time in getting to my feet, but my balance is off and I tip over, landing hard on the carpeted floor.

Head swimming, I look around to see that I'm the only one awake, though Areth's tiny form is starting to stir. Brooke, Ondine, Lisa, and Becky all lie motionless. Flashes of witnessing their deaths flit through my mind as I try to regain my feet.

Brooke's body severed in two bloody pieces.

A spear thrust through Becky's torso, pain contorting her pretty features.

Angela's head flying through the air, cut from her body.

A sword thrust through Ondine's stomach, her face still full of rage at Thomas's death.

Lisa's neck snapped from a kick delivered by Brooke's foot.

A broken sword thrust through Jennifer's neck, her eyes open wide in surprise and confusion.

No! I shake my head, trying to clear it. They can't be dead! It had all been a dream. Oh, please let it all have been a dream.